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Department of Public Information

DPI/NGO Relations proactively reaches out to representatives of approximately 1,300 members of civil society who seek information about the UN and look for opportunities to support the Organization at the international, regional, national and community levels. Among the many services provided by our office, the most important ones are the Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference (NGO Relations' premier event for civil society at the UN), the weekly Briefings, two Communication Workshops, two orientation programmes for new representatives and NGOs, the youth initiative, and the Resource Centre. It also aims to facilitate an exchange of information and development of partnerships around issues relating to civil society within other offices of the Department and with colleagues in the UN Secretariat as well as to reach out to civil society partners around the world to enhance their interaction with and understanding of the work of the United Nations. The Cluster is a service-oriented office assisting the NGO community.

For more information, please visit us at www.un.org/dpi/ngosection

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