Organization's name: | Women in Law and Development in Africa |
Organization's acronym: | WiLDAF |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
Boulevard du Haho- Hedzranawoé P O Box 7755 Lomé Togo |
Phone: | + 228 22 61 26 79 |
Fax: | + 228 22 61 73 90 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Inter-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Sustainable Development:
Geographic scope: |
Mission statement: | |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 1998 |
Number and type of members: | WiLDAF is a network of African NGOs and individuals based in Africa who are using the law as a strategic tool to promote and protect womenâ¿¿s rights. The network now comprises over 350 organisations and 1000 individuals in 31 African countries. |
Major group affiliation: |