Organization's name: | Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH) |
Organization's acronym: | OSMTH |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
1430 Manor Lane Bay Shore, NY 11706 USA United States of America |
Phone: | 1.516.445.9090 |
Fax: | 1.631.968.4335 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2002 |
Organizational structure: | OSMTH is registered in Switzerland (Registry CH 660.1.972994-4). Each independent Grand Priory is incorporated in their home nation as a not-for-profit entity. OSMTH has 22 voting groups (Grand Priories) in 21 nations (Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,Croatia,Denmark, UNited Kingdom, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal,Republic of Russia, Serbia,Sweden,Ukraine, USA and NATO) with approximately 6,100 individual members. |
Number and type of members: | OSMTH has 6,100 members worldwide. Membership includes recognized leaders in the clergy, active and retired military, active and retired government members and leaders in industry active in 22 countries. |
Funding structure: |