Organization's name: | Global Youth Action Network |
Organization's acronym: | GYAN |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
540 President St, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY, 11215 United States of America |
Phone: | 1-212-661-6111 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Sustainable Development:
Geographic scope: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 2001 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2005 |
Organizational structure: | The Global Youth Action Network (GYAN) is 501c3, not-for-profit organization, launched in 1996 and registered in the state of New York, USA. National chapters are registered in Mexico and Ghana. GYAN is affiliated to the United Nations Department of Public Information and holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). |
Number and type of members: | Any organization that is youth-led, youth-serving or youth-friendly and which does not promote hatred or violence can become a member of GYAN. Currently there are 1147 member organizations ( |
Funding structure: |
Major group affiliation: |
Affiliation with other organizations: | GYAN is a strategic partner of TakingITGlobal, a website for youth activists. GYAN also plays a supportive role for the CSD Youth Caucus, acting as an ad hoc secretariat and assisting with logistics before and during the Commission. |
Publications: | "Youth and the Millennium Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation", 2005, single publication. |
Major group affiliation: | Non-governmental Orgnizations |