Organization's name: | Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary |
Organization's acronym: | RSHM |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
RSHM NGO Office Church Center at the UN, 777 UN Plaza - Suite C-C New York 10017 United States of America |
Phone: | 9149208205 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Social Development:
Sustainable Development:
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 1849 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 1849 |
Organizational structure: | The RSHM Institute is located in 14 countries. This internationality enables us to work beyond national boundaries as one organization united through mission, to promote the life and dignity of all. The governance structure includes five provinces: Brazil, Eastern American, Western American, Northern European, Portugal; and two regions: Mozambique Region and Zambezi Region. Central administrative offices known as the Generalate, are located in Rome, Italy. The RSHM NGO has been affiliated with the Department of Public Information (DPI) since 2006. NGO administrative offices are located at 211 East 43rd Street in New York City, NY, USA. |
Number and type of members: | As of 01/03/2012, the membership of the RSHM Institute is 786. These are the full-time women religious who are committed to the RSHM mission and dedicated to the works and services of the RSHM Institute. Through its ministries around the world, the RSHM NGO reaches over 12,000 individuals including students, teachers, administrators, graduates, members of the RSHM Extended Family, and friends. |
Affiliation with NGO networks: | International Network for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation; Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network. |
Funding structure: |
Funding structure other: | The RSHM congregation is classified as a tax-exempt organization operating on a non-for-profit basis. |
Major group affiliation: |
Affiliation with other organizations: | As an NGO with DPI status, our RSHM NGO has membership in the following: UN NGO Committee on Sustainable Development Our RSHM NGO is also a member of different groups on a local, national and international level. Here are some examples: International Network for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)with an International Coordinator who works out of Brazil and representatives in each RSHM province and region. Religious on Water (ROW):a group of congregations of women religious concerned about environmental issues specifically relation to oceans, coastlines, rivers, wetlands, and watersheds. Religious Organizations Along the River (ROAR):initiated in 1996, a network of religious congregations and organizations with property in the Hudson Valley of New York State, USA RSHM International Network of Schools;Brazil, Colombia, England, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Portugal, United States Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College & University Consortium(20 universities in metropolitan area of New York City, USA); REDE Sagrado:Brazilian Network of Sacred Heart of Mary Schools(Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Rio, Vitoria, Uba); |
Publications: | "Water Gift of Life" - published by Religious on Water (ROW) 2005: Handbook on Water for education and advocacy grounded in a spirituality that sees all of life as interconnected and sacred. |
Statements or documents submitted Commission on Sustainable Development: |
Not applicable |
Affiliation with other organizations: | As an NGO with DPI Status, our RSHM NGO is a member of these UN/NGO Committees: NGO Committee for Social Development; UN/NGO Sub-Committee for the Eradication of Poverty; UN/NGO Advocacy Task Force. Our RSHM NGO is also an active member of these groups: International Network for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)with an International Coordinator who works out of Brazil and representatives in each RSHM province and region. RSHM International Network of Schools (Brazil, Colombia, England, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, United States; Lower Hudson Valley Catholic College & University Consortium (10 universities in metropolitan area of New York City, USA) |
Publications: | "Can You Hear Us? Voices from around the world in support of the Social Protection Floor Initiative" 2012 NGO Publication |
Purpose of the organization: | The RSHM mission mandates that we place ourselves and our resources at the service of those most in need of justice. As an NGO affiliated with DPI since 2006, our objective has been to work in partnership with the United Nations as a means of fulfilling the mandate of our mission and supporting global UN humanitarian efforts with our membership around the world. As an ECOSOC NGO with consultative status, we will continue our DPI partnership and our outreach initiatives to our constituents. At the same time, we will be better equipped to bring our dedication and expertise to ECOSOC work through new capacities such as: Attend international conferences and events; Make written and oral statements at these events; Organize side events; Help monitor and implement international agreements; Help raise public awareness of relevant issues; Play a major role in advancing UN goals and objectives. |
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: | Not applicable. |
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: | International level: Our RSHM NGO provides information on social development issues to the RSHM Network of Schools, linking in particular our schools in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Brazilia, Rio de Janeiro, Uba, Vitoria); Colombia (Bogota and Medellin); England (London); France (Paris); Ireland (Belfast); Italy (Rome International School, Rome Istituto Marymount); Mexico (Cuernavaca); Portugal (Fatima, Lisbon, Oporto), and USA (Los Angeles, New York). Our NGO Representative addresses the Network participants at their annual meetings which in recent years were in Los Angeles (2008), Portugal (2009), Rome (2010), Washington, DC,USA (2011), and planned London (2012). See RSHM Network of Schools: Zambia Shadow Report - Works at the regional and international levels on Trafficking in Persons issues. |
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: | The governance structure includes five provinces and two regions, with central administrative offices in Rome, Italy. Members of the central administrative governance are: General Superior: Terezinha Cecchin (Brazilian); General Councillor Marie-France Correau (French); General Councillor Kathleen O'Keeffe (Irish); General Councillor Catherine Mary Patten (USA); General Secretary: Maria do Rosario Duraes (Portuguese). Provincials: Brazilian Province: Ana Helena Andreao (Brazilian); Eastern American Province: Kathleen Fagan (USA); Western American Province: Mary Genino; (USA);Northern European Province: Mary Jo McElroy (Irish); Portuguese Province: Maria Teresa Nogueira (Portuguese); Mozambique Region: Serafina Helena (Mozambican); Zambezi Region: Margaret Treacy (Irish). |
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: | The Institute of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary is composed of 786 full-time members (as of 3 Jan 2012). Through its ministries, the RSHM reach more than 12,000 individuals such as student, teachers, administrators, graduates, members of the RSHM Extended Family, and friends. |
Affiliation with other organizations: | As an NGO with DPI status, our RSHM NGO has membership in the following: UN/NGO Committee on the Status of Women UN/NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking of Women UN/NGO Sub-Committee on Poverty Eradication UN/NGO Task Force on Advocacy; Our RSHM is part of the International Network for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation(JPIC)with an International Coordinator who works out of Brazil and representatives in each RSHM province and region. Our RSHM NGO is an active participant in the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)- Los Angeles LifeWay Network: Collaborating to Combat Human Trafficking. The mission is to provide safe housing for survivors of human trafficking and to offer educational opportunities for the general public. The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary are members of the LifeWay Network and currently sit on its Board of Directors. |
Publications: | not applicable |
Statements or documents submitted to the Commission on the Status of Women: |
not applicable |
Statements or documents submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: |
Corporate stance of RSHM Eastern American Province signed by members of the Province in 2002: "CORPORATE STANCE PROPOSAL ISSUE: RSHM corporate endorsement of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and call for United States Ratification of CEDAW PROPOSED STANCE: We, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Eastern American Province, in accordance with the mandates of both the EAP Provincial Chapter 2000 and the General Chapter 2001 on the Empowerment of Women and Children, support CEDAW, adopted by United Nations General Assembly in 1979 and subsequently ratified by 58 member states. Further, we urge the President and Congress to ratify the Convention during this 25th Anniversary Year of its adoption. RATIONALE: The EAP Chapter 2000 mandated that we make the empowerment of women, especially those who are marginalized, a focus of our mission. The Convention provides the basis for realizing equality between men and women through ensuring women’s equal access to, and equal opportunities in, political and public life, as well as education, health and employment. The United States has consistently failed to ratify The Convention despite the endorsement of numerous religious and civic groups. U.S. endorsement of this United Nations Human Rights Convention will lend greater credibility to CEDAW as well as universal compliance with its standards. PROPOSED ACTIONS: The Provincial Administration to send: *a copy of this resolution to the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women; *a copy to the Senators of the States where RSHM EAP members minister; *a copy to the RSHM General Council. We commit ourselves to continue to work for the human rights of women and U.S. ratification of CEDAW." |
Accreditation with other UN Entities: |