WhyHunger, Inc.

Organization's name: WhyHunger, Inc.
Former Name(s): World Hunger Year, Inc.
Headquarters address  
Address: WhyHunger
505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1212
New York, NY 10018
United States of America
Phone: 212 629 8850
Fax: 212 465 9274
Email: betty@whyhunger.org
Web site: www.whyhunger.org
Organization type: Non-governmental organization
  • English
  • Spanish


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:

Sustainable Development:
  • Agriculture
  • Consumption and production patterns
  • Poverty
  • Sustainable development in a globalizing world
Geographic scope: International
Country of activity:
  • Haiti
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Thailand
  • Uganda
  • Nicaragua
  • United States of America
  • China
  • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  • Indonesia
  • South Africa
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Reduce child mortality
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1975
Year of registration (YYYY): 1975
Organizational structure: WhyHunger is run by a Board of Directors of 23 members and an Advisory Board of 19 members. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and is assisted by a threefold management team of the Director of Programs, the Director of Administration and Finance, and the Director of Fundraising and Marketing. WhyHunger has a staff of 23, not including interns.
Number and type of members: WhyHunger is not a membership organization, but we do have a network with 8500 US and international grassroots organizations involved in food sovereignty and poverty alleviation. We also have extensive networks of supporters and donors.
Affiliation with NGO networks: La Via Campesina, Community Food Security Coalition, the US Working Group on the Food Crisis, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC)
Funding structure:
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources
Funding structure other: Fundraisers (concerts, media events, radiothon), federal grants and contracts, foundation grants, individual donations

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: WhyHunger, then World Hunger Year, participated in most of the international UN conferences of the 1990s and early 2000s and prepared for these conferences, along with its civil society partners, through intensive dialogue with UN agencies such as UNDP (UN Development Programme), UNEP (UN Environmental Programme), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), and UNICEF (UN Children's Fund), as well as bodies such as DPI (Department of Public Information). As members of the SARD (Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development) Initiative within the CSD (Commission on Sustainable Development) process, WhyHunger has been closely involved in SARD partnerships around food security. Through our website, we share information on UN meetings and partnerships on sustainable development. We have also organized side events during CSD 16 and 17. Recently, we were invited to participate in the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC), a civil society engagement with FAO.
Affiliation with other organizations: IPSA (International Partners for Sustainable Agriculture); Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC); La Via Campesina; the National Family Farm Coalition; International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty; US Working Group on the Food Crisis.
Publications: WHY Magazine 1989-99 (four times per year); WHY Speaks (1999 to present), the online continuation of WHY Magazine. Fueling Disaster: A Community Food Security Perspective on Agrofuels (2007). Policies and Actions to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition, at http://www.eradicatehunger.org/pdf/Anti_Hunger_EN.pdf. To see a full list of WhyHunger publications, go to: http://whyhunger.org/resources/why-publications.html.
Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:
Fueling Disaster (2007); Information on WhyHunger's Food Security Learning Center submitted to and accepted by the Division on Sustainable Development Database of Case Studies; Statements on behalf of NGOs to the CSD Plenaries in 2000, 2008, and 2009; Submitted commentaries in NGO newsletters (Outreach)during CSD in 2008 and 2009.

Other UN Entities

Accreditation with other UN Entities:
  • DPI