Organization's name: | Association des Jeunes pour l'Agriculture du Mali |
Organization's acronym: | ASJAM |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
Lafiabougou Rue 261 Porte 100 Bamako Mali |
Phone: | 7649 43 12 |
Email: | |
Web site: | WWW.ASJAM.ORG |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Financing for Development:
Public Administration:
Social Development:
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 2002 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2004 |
Organizational structure: | ASJAM is an organization that is structured as follow. The Secretary General is the head of the organization, the SG is supported by his deputy in accomplishing the goals of the organization. The organization has other Secretary in charge of different responsability. ASJAM has a Secretary of International relation, Rural relation, Communication, Finance, Administrative and Indsutrial relation. ASJAM meet twice a year for its general assembly and every month for its board committee meeting |
Number and type of members: | Any person with good intention can be member of ASJAM. ASJAM has 213 members and and 8 Executives |
Affiliation with NGO networks: | ESC, CSN, AAFD |
Funding structure: |
Major group affiliation: |
Involvement in UN Partnerships: | Yes |
If yes, explain in detail: | We would like to be partner so we can work together to solve issues that people accross the globe face |
Affiliation with other organizations: | CEDEAO, |
Statements or documents submitted Commission on Sustainable Development: | |
Affiliation with other organizations: | CEDEAO |
Publications: | Annual Report |
Statements or documents submitted to the Commission on Social Development: | |
Major group affiliation: | Farmers and Small Forest Landowners |
Affiliation with other organizations: | CEDEAO |
UNFF newsletter | Yes |
Involvement in Public Administration: | Contributed to CEDEAO meetings |
Accreditation with other UN Entities: |