Agência Brasileira de Gerenciamento Costeiro

Organization's name: Agência Brasileira de Gerenciamento Costeiro
Organization's acronym: Agência Costeira
Former Name(s): ZAP
Headquarters address  
Address: Rua Dr. Carvalho de Mendonça, 144,
Encruzilhada, Santos, SP
CEP: 11070-100
Phone: ZAP
Fax: ZAP
Web site:
Organization type: Non-governmental organization
  • Spanish


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:

Sustainable Development:
  • Biodiversity
  • Capacity-building
  • Climate change
  • Institutional arrangements
  • Integrated decision-making
  • International cooperation for an enabling environment
  • Land management
  • Marine Resources
  • Oceans and seas
  • Science
Geographic scope: Regional
  • Latin America and Caribbean
Country of activity:
  • Brazil
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 2001
Year of registration (YYYY): 2001
Organizational structure: Directive Board - Director President = Mr. Martinus Filet - Administrative Director = Mr. Antonio Poleti - Communication Director = Mr. Manuel Sanches - Scientific Director = Dr. Marinez Scherer
Number and type of members: NGO open to any person and/or institution interested in the resolution of problems of management in the Brazilian coast. Currently have around 150 members, counting on the members of the Brazilian Sea Forum.
Affiliation with NGO networks: Coastal Network,
Funding structure:
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources
Funding structure other: Projetcts and events

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Scientific and technological communities
  • Business and industry
  • Local authorities
  • Non-governmental organization
Affiliation with other organizations: member of Red Iberoamericana de Gestión Integrada de Áreas Litorales
Publications: Informative at web page and publications at scientific journals and books. Ex: 1) Scherer, M; Asmus, M; Filet, M; Sanches, M. y Poleti, A. E. El manejo costero en Brasil: análisis de la situación y propuestas para una posible mejora. En Farinós Dasí, J. (ed. y coord.) (2011): "LA GESTIÓN INTEGRADA DE ZONAS COSTERAS ¿ALGO MÁS QUE UNA ORDENACIÓN DEL LITORAL REVISADA? La GIZC como evolución de las prácticas de planificación y gobernanza territoriales", Valencia, PUV/IIDL, Colección 'Desarrollo Territorial', nº 9. 2) Scherer, M.; Sanches, M; Negreiros, D. H. (2009): “Gestão de Zonas Costeiras e as Políticas Públicas no Brasil. um diagnóstico”, enManejo Costero Integrado y Política Pública enIberoamérica: un diagnóstico. Necesidad de cambio. Ed. Red Iberoamericana de Manejo Costero – Red Ibermar (CYTED). España, pp. 291-330.
Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:

Public Administration and Development Management

Involvement in Public Administration: Capacity building for coastal managers
Publications: Informative at web page and publications at scientific journals and books. Ex: 1) Scherer, M; Asmus, M; Filet, M; Sanches, M. y Poleti, A. E. El manejo costero en Brasil: análisis de la situación y propuestas para una posible mejora. En Farinós Dasí, J. (ed. y coord.) (2011): "LA GESTIÓN INTEGRADA DE ZONAS COSTERAS ¿ALGO MÁS QUE UNA ORDENACIÓN DEL LITORAL REVISADA? La GIZC como evolución de las prácticas de planificación y gobernanza territoriales", Valencia, PUV/IIDL, Colección 'Desarrollo Territorial', nº 9. 2) Scherer, M.; Sanches, M; Negreiros, D. H. (2009): “Gestão de Zonas Costeiras e as Políticas Públicas no Brasil. um diagnóstico”, enManejo Costero Integrado y Política Pública enIberoamérica: un diagnóstico. Necesidad de cambio. Ed. Red Iberoamericana de Manejo Costero – Red Ibermar (CYTED). España, pp. 291-330.