Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust

Organization's name: Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust
Organization's acronym: AIR Trust
Headquarters address  
Address: PO Box 3072
Gisborne 4041
New Zealand
Organization type: Indigenous Peoples Organizations
  • English


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social:
  • Indigenous Peoples
Geographic scope: National
Country of activity:
  • New Zealand
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 2000
Year of registration (YYYY): 2000
Organizational structure: Trustees and beneficiaries
Number and type of members: 30 members
Funding structure:
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources

Additional Information

Social Development

Accreditation to: Indigenous Forum
Affiliation with other organizations: NA
Publications: NA
Purpose of the organization: The primary objective of AIR Trust is to disseminate information to maori concerning the United Nations so that maori may use this information for their own purposes and participate in international standard setting. We disseminate information by representing information at public meetings, writing reports on meetings attended and placing infromation on our website. It is our vision that Maori should be fully cognizant of the workings of the UN, that they should have the opportunities to learn about the UN. ist structure, recent developments in international law and ultimately international law on behalf of their own organizations and communties. AIR Trust has tree trustees who are all Maori who communicate regulary to discuss issues and agree on actions to be taken as well as a group of committed volunteers who work on projects in their own time.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: NA
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: NA
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: NA
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: NA