Organization's name: AAKRUTHI
Headquarters address  
Address: 6-3-903/A/3 Ist floor Suryanagar colony Rajbhavan road
Somajiguda Hyderabad

Phone: +914066737672
Email: aakruthi.org@gmail.com
Organization type: Non-governmental organization
  • Telugu
  • Hindi
  • English


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social:
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Food
  • Science and Technology
  • Social Development
  • Sustainable Development
  • Water

Social Development:
  • Poverty
  • Technical cooperation

Sustainable Development:
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Biotechnology
  • Capacity-building
  • Climate change
  • Desertification and Drought
  • Forests
  • Rural Development
  • Sustainable development in a globalizing world
Geographic scope: National
Country of activity:
  • India
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Develop global partnership for development
Year established (YYYY): 1999
Year of registration (YYYY): 1999
Organizational structure: The management committee is the final authority for any policy decisions, consists of seven office bearers, namely President, vice president, secretary, joint secretary, tresurar and executive members, all general executive operations are managed by president, secretary and tresurer. Any financial, operational, procurement aspects are decided by separate operational committees formed by three members of executive committee, which will be reviewed and renewed in annual genaral body meetings, there is executive committee every month and general body meeting annually. Each project headed by project coordinator, who is either executive committee member or independent technical person based upon the project nature and implementation structure.
Funding structure:
  • Membership fees or dues
  • Funds from other Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Fees for providing consulting or research services
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources
  • Grants from Governments
  • Foreign and international grants

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
  • Scientific and technological communities
  • Women
  • Non-governmental organization
  • Farmers
Affiliation with other organizations: 1. Aakruthi worked shoulder to shoulder with International Crop research institute on semi arid tropics (ICRISAT)an CGIAR institute in different aspects of sustainable development, increasing agriculture productivity of semi arid tropics by introducing new technologies (seed varieties, prooduction methodologies etc) and popularising and motivating farming community to adopt the new technologies developed at CGIAR network. With the support of CGIAR, Aakruthi worked in different crops like bengal gram, groundnut, sorghum, sweet sorghum, pearl millet etc and in the field of natural resource management. 2. Aakruthi had worked with World Bank, Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and Central research institute on dryland agriculture (CRIDA) in the aspects of sustainable development and sustainable livelihoods at dryland agriculture 3. Aakruthi had worked with ADB and Govt of Chhattisgarh in the productivity enhancement, participatory irrigation management of tribal agriculture