Organization's name: | Asociacion Civil Wounmain Waneesia |
Organization's acronym: | ACWW |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
Barrio Torito Fernandez Avenida 111F Local 79L-122 Maracaibo - Zulia Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Phone: | 58 4146366344 |
Fax: | 58 261 327 7559 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Indigenous Peoples Organizations |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Social Development:
Sustainable Development:
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 2006 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2006 |
Organizational structure: | The supreme authority and direction of the Association resides in the General Assembly of associates who perform whenever the Board it demands to do so, and its decisions are binding on all partners, even for those who have not attended them. La suprema autoridad y dirección de la Asociación reside en la Asamblea General de asociados que se realizara cada vez que la Junta Directiva lo crea pertinente, y sus decisiones son obligatorias para todos los asociados, inclusive para las que hubieran asistido a ellas. |
Number and type of members: | These statutes were approved by the Constituent Assembly of the Association and the same act was elected the Board, being conformed as follows: Coordination of Media Arts, Production and Research Coordination Literary, Cultural Coordination, Planning and Coordination project Coordination Public Relations and communications, coordination of Finance and General Coordination. Los presentes estatutos fueron aprobados por la Asamblea Constitutiva de la Asociación y en el mismo acto fue elegida la Junta Directiva, quedando conformada de la siguiente manera: Coordinación de Artes Audiovisuales, Coordinación de Producciones e Investigaciones Literarias, Coordinación de Cultura, Coordinación de Planes y Proyectos, Coordinación de Relaciones Publicas y Comunicacionales, Coordinación de Finanzas y Coordinación General. |
Affiliation with NGO networks: | The advisory boards of PeruVine/PeruDigital, the Ethnographic Digital Laboratory of the University of Central Florida and the International Ethnobotanical Association, CLACPI, Fundacion Wayuunaiki, Red de Comunicación del Pueblo Wayuu |
Funding structure: |
Major group affiliation: |
Involvement in UN Partnerships: | Yes |
If yes, explain in detail: | Our members have had the chance to be scholars for the Indigenous Fellowship Programme (IFP), The Greenland-based International Center of Indigenous Peoples (ITCIP), An exhibition entitled “The Right to Water and Indigenous Peoples” in the Main Gallery of the Visitors Lobby, at United Nations Headquarters, marking the tenth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. V Taller V sub-regional para América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD), incluyendo cuestiones pertinentes al Artículo 8(j), Conocimiento Tradicional y Acceso y participación en los beneficios, Brasilia, Brasil, del 02 al 04 de Junio de 2010. ( V sub-regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), including issues relevant to Article 8 (j), traditional knowledge and access and benefit sharing, Brasilia, Brazil, from 02 to June 4, 2010) |
Affiliation with other organizations: | The advisory boards of PeruVine/PeruDigital, the Ethnographic Digital Laboratory of the University of Central Florida and the International Ethnobotanical Association, CLACPI, Fundacion Wayuunaiki, Red de Comunicación del Pueblo Wayuu, Muestra de Cine Indigena de Venezuela, Cineminga, Daupara Muestra de Cine Indígena de Colombia, Revista Yepan, Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu. |
Statements or documents submitted Commission on Sustainable Development: |
RIGHT TO WATER AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ EXHIBITION AT UNITED NATIONS A dynamic year of indigenous communication Wayuu Filmmaker Speaks About Indigenous Media in Venezuela Indigenous media, participatory democracy and language revitalisation in Abya Yala and Aotearoa: The centrality of language in indigenous transformation 2011 Expanding Documentary Conference - Guest Presenters New Zealand: In Aotearoa - New Zealand The Communication And Documentary Experience Of Indigenous Wayuu Shared Weaving Networks for the International Year of Indigenous communication |
Accreditation to: | Indigenous Forum |
Affiliation with other organizations: | The advisory boards of PeruVine/PeruDigital, the Ethnographic Digital Laboratory of the University of Central Florida and the International Ethnobotanical Association, CLACPI, Fundacion Wayuunaiki, Red de Comunicación del Pueblo Wayuu, Muestra de Cine Indigena de Venezuela, Cineminga, Daupara Muestra de Cine Indígena de Colombia, Revista Yepan, Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu. |