Organization's name: | The Resolution Project |
Former Name(s): | The Resolution Project |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
420 Lexington Avenue Suite 1626 New York, NY 10170 United States of America |
Phone: | (212) 259-9449 Ext 1013 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Economic and Social:
Social Development:
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 2007 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2007 |
Organizational structure: | The Resolution Project has 14 full time staff members, supported by a wide network of hundreds of volunteers. The structure and roles of volunteer boards are outlined below. For a full list of all current volunteers, please visit the ‘Our Team’ section of our website. Staff: Rachel Brophy: Program Manager Victoria Gordon: Development Manager Lauren Horn: Program Coordinator Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is comprised of 11 individuals responsible for the overall strategic growth and direction of the organization. A subset of the Board of Directors is the Executive Committee, which is involved in the substantive day-to-day operations of the organization, including supervising and managing the staff. Resolution Ambassadors: Resolution Ambassadors are leaders whose personal achievements and experiences align with Resolution’s mission. Their role encompasses advisory support to Resolution’s leadership team, assistance in developing new partnerships and relationships, and support of our Resolution Fellows around the world. Advisory Board: The Advisory Board is comprised of experienced professionals who advise the Officers on strategy and best practices, and provide our Fellows with access to a global network of professional resources to help them grow as leaders and social entrepreneurs. These individuals are experts in their chosen professions. Resolution Leadership Council: The Resolution Leadership Council is comprised of a diverse group of young professionals in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. RLC members work as volunteers alongside the Officers and staff to develop and execute strategies for accomplishing Resolution's long-term objectives and to manage the organization's ongoing activities. Members of the Resolution Leadership Council often serve on working groups dedicated to executing specific aspects of Resolution’s program. These working groups include Development, Communications, Events, Fellow Resources, Design, Strategic Alliances, and several others). The RLC includes RLC Directors, responsible for managing and leading these working groups, Guide Leaders, responsible for overseeing a large number of Resolution Guides, and RLC members at large. Resolution Guides: Guides comprise Resolution’s mentorship corps and work directly with our Resolution Fellows. These Guides commit to a two-year term and are at the forefront of our service delivery to Fellows. Our Guides are located around the world and come from a wide variety of backgrounds; however, they are all committed to youth leadership and social entrepreneurship. Guides must complete an application process, including an interview, and then are matched with Fellows based on background, interest, and relevant experience. Event Committee Members: Resolution relies on a wide network of Planning and Host committee members to help execute, manage, and publicize Resolution fundraising events. Planning Committee members attend planning committees and are actively involved in the development and execution of the event. Host Committee members are primarily responsible for spreading the word about the event and helping us pack the room! Working Group Members: Working Group members support the RLC in actively taking on projects associated with different working groups. This can be on an ad hoc basis or serve as a pathway to membership to the RLC. |
Number and type of members: | As noted above, we have hundreds of volunteers engaging in our organization in a variety of ways. These volunteers work with staff to support the 107 Resolution Fellows implementing innovative social ventures around the world. We look forward to awarding Resolution Fellowships to promising young entrepreneurs in 2021 and beyond. |
Funding structure: |