African Woman and Child Feature Service

Organization's name: African Woman and Child Feature Service
Organization's acronym: AWC Feature Service
Former Name(s): N/A
Headquarters address  
Address: Nairobi Baptist Court, Unit 1
Green Lane, off Ngong Road
Phone: 254722209510
Fax: N/A
Web site:
Organization type: Media
  • Swahili


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:

Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
  • Human rights of women
Geographic scope: National
Country of activity:
  • Kenya
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Promote gender equality and empower women
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1994
Year of registration (YYYY): 2006
Organizational structure: The staff composition at African Woman and Child Feature Service is diverse. The organization is headed by the Executive Director, who is assisted by the Deputy Executive Director/ Program Manager. There is also a Managing Editor and Finance Manager who reports to the Executive Director. Under the top three are three programme officers who report to the Programme Manager. Under the Managing Editor are two editors. Below these staff is the support personnel. In the management position there two women and two men.
Number and type of members: The organisation has 13 member; 5 men and 8 women. Most of the members are journalists
Affiliation with NGO networks: FEMNET
Funding structure:
  • Funds from other Non-Governmental Organizations

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Children and youth
  • Women
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes