ABF Stockholm branch

Organization's name: ABF Stockholm branch
Organization's acronym: ABF
Headquarters address  
Address: Sveavägen 41
Box 1305, S-111 83 Stockholm

Phone: +46-8.453 41 00
Email: gunnar.lassinantti@telia.com
Web site: www.abfstockholm.se
Organization type: Trade union
  • English
  • Swedish


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Geographic scope: International
Country of activity:
  • Sweden
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1912
Year of registration (YYYY): 1912
Organizational structure: One of Sweden's most well known NGOs closely linked to the Social Democratic and Trade Union movements
Number and type of members: Several organizations in all municipalities in Sweden. Million of individual members
Affiliation with NGO networks: Affiliation with a lot of NGOs including Immigrant organizations and Network for Nuclear Disarmament
Funding structure:
  • Membership fees or dues
  • Fees for education and training services
Funding structure other: Participation fees

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: Cooperation with a lot of NGOs dealing with UN Affairs as Swedish UN Association
Affiliation with other organizations: Contacts and cooperation with a broad spectrum of Swedish NGOs, reserch institutes etc
Publications: A lot of publications, website information etc continously published