Organization's name: | Operation International |
Organization's acronym: | OI |
Headquarters address | |
Address: |
225 Windmill Lane Suite 1 Southampton, NY 11968 United States of America |
Phone: | 631-287-6202 |
Fax: | 631-287-6213 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Organization type: | Non-governmental organization |
Languages: |
Areas of expertise & Fields of activity: |
Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
Sustainable Development:
Geographic scope: |
Millennium Development Goals: |
Mission statement: | |
Year established (YYYY): | 1996 |
Year of registration (YYYY): | 2001 |
Organizational structure: | The organization is made of several Chapters who are governed by the organization Bylaws and Chapter policy. Chapters are units of ISMS and do not have separate legal standing on their own. Actions taken by Chapters are acts of ISMS. Therefore, the Board of Directors of ISMS has determined that it is necessary to establish the principles set forth below that will govern the operation of Chapters to assure consistency with the mission and operating philosophy of ISMS. All activities of the Chapter shall be carried out in strict compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and professional standards. Each Chapter will have a Chapter Council and a Chapter President who will be a member of the Chapter Council. The Chapter Council will be responsible for the overall operation of the Chapter consistent with these Policies. The Chapter President will chair the Chapter Council and oversee the activities of the Chapter in accordance with the Council’s directives. The Chapter President will be elected by the Council members for a two–year term. The Chapter President will automatically become a member of the ISMS Board for the two-year term and carry one vote. Chapters should meet at least twice a year, approximately one or two months prior to the regularly scheduled meetings of the ISMS Board of Directors to enable a full report of Chapter plans and activities to be made by the Chapter President at the ISMS Board meeting. Chapters may have one or more Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and Secretary. Vice-Presidents may be assigned specific responsibilities, e.g., development, mission planning, etc. The Treasurer will be responsible for custody of the Chapter’s funds and maintaining the financial records of the Chapter in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining minutes of the meetings of the Chapter Council and for such other duties a may be delegated by the President of the Chapter. The Chapter may employ an accountant and will do so if requested by the Chairman of ISMS. Members of the Chapter Council will be elected annually by the membership of the Chapter. The Chapter President and other officers of the Chapter will be elected bi-annually by the Chapter Council. Membership of the Council and the roster of Officers will be subject to ratification by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee of ISMS. The Board of ISMS shall have the right to remove any member of the Chapter Council or any officer at any time with or without cause. With the approval of the ISMS Chairman or President, Chapters may establish a bank account in the name of International Surgical Mission Support Inc., provided that the Chairman and Treasurer of ISMS are named as signatories for all purposes on the account, in addition to the Chapter President and Treasurer. A copy of the monthly bank statement shall be provided to ISMS in Southampton. Approval of the Chapter Council as well as the ISMS Board of Directors or Executive Committee will also be required for the following: - Surgical and Medical missions, including the composition of the team, the budget for each mission specifying the sources and uses of funds and surgical or medical procedures to be undertaken; - Expenditures above the proposed budget for each mission, the borrowing of any money or the purchase or lease of equipment or real property or any other undertaking for which ISMS could be financially responsible; Approval of the Chapter Council will be required for the acquisition by purchase, donation or otherwise of medications, including any controlled substances regardless of amount. |
Number and type of members: | ISMS Board restructuring The current corporate structure of ISMS is two-tiered. As reflected in the Certificate of Incorporation and set forth at length in the By-laws, the first tier consists of the Members of the Corporation. Members play a role somewhat similar to stockholders and have certain reserved powers, including the election of Directors. There are two Members, Medhat Allam and Joe Geoghan. The By-laws provide that the Board of Directors is responsible for operation and management of the Company. Currently both the Certificate of Incorporation and the By-laws authorize a Board comprised of three to fifteen directors. New York law on the structure of not-for-profit corporations permits both the two-tiered structure and a single tier structure wherein the Board is essentially self perpetuating. It would be possible for ISMS to change its structure by amending its Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws to eliminate the Member tier and provide a different method for election or appointment of Directors. The following paragraphs outline some issues to consider: Size of the Board. There is no legal limit on the number of Directors a Company may have and the By-laws may provide for any number. Realistically however, a board of more than fifteen members becomes cumbersome. Quorum and voting percentage requirements are more difficult to meet and management of Board meetings becomes more difficult. Currently, ISMS’ policy provides that each Chapter President automatically becomes a Director of ISMS. If Chapters continue to proliferate it might be desirable to provide that they would elect one person from each State who would represent the Chapters of that state. Method of Election. New York law permits a wide range of options. Typically, Directors are elected by the Board, but it is possible to provide for appointment of Directors as well. For example, the Chairman could appoint some of the Board, while the Board itself elects others and the Chapter Presidents continue to become Directors by reason of their position. Many Boards also have nominating committees that review the qualifications of Board candidates and propose them for election. Board Terms. Current practice is to elect Directors for a one-year term. Other variations are possible (not exceeding a term of five years) and many Boards use staggered terms wherein one-third of the Board is elected every year, i.e. the effective term is three years. Directors may be reelected and it is also possible to limit the total time an individual is reelected. It is also possible to provide for different classes of Directors (e.g., a Founding Director) and have different terms for each class. When considering terms of Directors, it is unpleasant and sometimes difficult to remove a Director (other than for cause, such as dishonesty). It is usually easier to just not reelect that Director at the end of the Director’s term. |
Funding structure: |