ABRACE - Associação Brasileira de Assistência às Famílias de Crianças Portadoras de Câncer e Hemopatias

Organization's name: ABRACE - Associação Brasileira de Assistência às Famílias de Crianças Portadoras de Câncer e Hemopatias
Organization's acronym: Abrace
Former Name(s): ZAP
Headquarters address  
Address: QE 25 AE 1 CAVE-Guará II
Phone: (61) 3209-8820
Fax: ZAP
Email: juliana.batista@abrace.com.br
Web site: www.abrace.com.br
Organization type: Non-governmental organization
  • Portuguese


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:

Social Development:
  • Youth
Geographic scope: National
Country of activity:
  • Brazil
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Reduce child mortality
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1986
Year of registration (YYYY): 1986
Organizational structure: Abrace adopts, as a organizational structure, a functional model. It is separated by departments, which are divided by specialities: Management and Financial, Projects and Partnerships, Assistance and Care, Central of Donations, Communications and Events, Reception and Hospitality and Human Resources Management. Above the coordinators, there is an executive manager. Above, there is a board composed by four directors and the president. Each diretor has a volunteer substitute from the civil society. Every decision is only taken unanimously. There are also three councils: custodian, fiscal and technical and scientific. And there is a general assembly.
Number and type of members: 1 president, 8 director and substitutes, 3 counselors.
Affiliation with NGO networks: N/A
Funding structure:
  • Product sales and business services
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources
  • Fundraising campaigns
Funding structure other: N/A

Additional Information

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: N/A
Publications: Angels - The art of transforming suffering into love, 2012, Editora:RN e Marini-Editora e comunicação.
Purpose of the organization: The purpose of Abrace is to offer social assistance to children and adolescentes with cancer or blood diseases, facing social and economic difficulties. Abrace promotes quality of life and ideal conditions of treatment. Our institution offers appropriate supportive housing at Casa de Apoio, for the children who do not live in Brasilia, as well as small improvements in the houses of those who do live in the city, but in such poor conditions that put the patient’s health on risk. Abrace also offers nourishment, medicines, transportation, dendistry assistance and lectures with information about the cancer. Core Values of Abrace Ethics – Working with honesty and respect for what you have been entrusted. Respect for the diferences – To respect the individuality regardless the beliefs, religion, race or gender. Solidarity – To do for the other. Transparency – To accomplish your commitments, acts and decisions with honesty and clearness. Volunteering – The force that impulses social actions aiming at the common wellbeing. Strategic and institutional goals (2011-2016) Society: • To guarantee integral care to the assisted ones; • To become a reference in social assistance to children and adolescentes; Financial • To guarantee and diversify funding, making it arising and frequent. • To broaden and diversify the partners network; Image and reputation • To reinforce the credibility and the name of the institution; • To preserve the identity of Abrace; Processes and Technology • To organize the mobilization process of voluntary services; • To create a process of crises management; • To implement an information technology system; Process/autonomy structure • To maintain the alignment with the medical treatment team; • To implement the communications plan; Learning and development • To develop the culture of volunteering; • To implement management of knowledge, innovation and improvement projects; • To implement a human resources policy.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: N/A
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: Regional, Abrace provides assistance to around 1,800 children from Brasilia, DF, or from other states who receive medical treatment in Brasilia`s Public Health System. Our institution offers social assistance and reception of children with cancer and blood diseases, as well as their relatives. We offer support and social and material care. We guarantee, therefore, that they have access to medical care of quality, reducing these children abandonment. Abrace offers supportive housing to the relatives and patients from different regions as the north, the northeast and the center-west of Brazil. We offer an infrastructure composed by 50 beds (25 patients and 25 escorts), food and transportation for the patients from other states, small reformation in patients residencies, medecines, high-cost exams, dentistry assistance to the family, educative lectures, among others. In 2014, Abrace has provided, without any charge, 4,280 medical and social services, including social, psychological and odontological, as well as in-house support.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Ilda Ribeiro Peliz- Brazil ; Maria Angela Marini Vieira Ferreira- Brazil ; Maria Amélia Campos Dias , Brazil ; Juliano Almeida Lopes- Brazil ; Lysia Freire Alarção- Brazil ; Wagner Gomes of Brazil Souza- Leonardo Eustace Sant ' Anna da Silva- Brazil Elmar San'Ana- Brazil ; José Antonio da Cunha Haag - Brazil ; Adézio de Almeida Lima- Brazil ; José Carlos Sousa, Brazil ; and Osvaldo José de Sousa- Brazil .
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: President : Ilda Ribeiro Peliz- Brazil ; Director of Social Care and Hospital : Maria Angela Marini Vieira Ferreira- Brazil ; Substitute Director of Care and Hospital Maria Amélia Campos Dias , Brazil ; Director of People Management - Juliano Almeida Lopes- Brazil ; Administrative Director Financial : Lysia Freire Alarção- Brazil ; Administrative Director Substitute Financial : Wagner Gomes Souza of Brazil - Director of Events: Leonardo Eustaquio Sant ' Anna da Silva- Brazil Director Event Alternate: Elmar San'Ana- Brazil ; Director of Fundraising : José Antonio da Cunha Haag - Brazil ; Supervisory board: Holders : Adézio de Almeida Lima- Brazil ; José Carlos Sousa, Brazil ; and Osvaldo José de Sousa- Brazil .