Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd

Organization's name: Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd
Organization's acronym: ALARA
Former Name(s): Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc.; Action Learning, Action Research and Porcess Management Association Inc.
Headquarters address  
Address: Level 2, 30 Currie St
Adelaide, 5000
South Australia
Phone: ZAP
Fax: ZAP
Web site:
Organization type: Association
  • English


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social:
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change
  • Decolonization
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Least Developed Countries
  • Social Development
  • Sustainable Development
  • Women/gender Equality

Gender Issues and Advancement of Women:
  • Indigenous women
  • Violence against women

Social Development:
  • Indigenous issues
  • Social policy

Sustainable Development:
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change
  • Education
  • Health
  • Sustainable development in a globalizing world
Geographic scope: International
Country of activity:
  • Croatia
  • Singapore
  • Canada
  • Ghana
  • Israel
  • United States of America
  • South Africa
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Philippines
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Promote gender equality and empower women
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1991
Year of registration (YYYY): 1991
Organizational structure: Note: Registered originally in 1991; registered as company (Ltd) in 2018. Org Structure: * Board * Committees Group (operational activities in lieu of paid staff) *Board Sub-committees (such as Risk Committee) * (Will be creating) International Editorial Board * Membership
Number and type of members: A total of 74 members: 52 members, Australia; 5 members, New Zealand; 8 members, United States of America, North America; 1 member, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Europe; 1 member, Israel, Europe; 1 member, Ghana, Africa; 2 members, South Africa, Africa; 2 members, Singapore, Asia; 1 member, Thailand, Asia, and 1 member, India, Asia. There are six organisational members, three from Australia, one from Singapore, Asia, one from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Europe, and one from United States of America, North America.
Funding structure:
  • Membership fees or dues
  • Fees for education and training services
  • Product sales and business services
  • Other sources
Funding structure other: Education and training includes World Congresses, conferences, workshops, etc.; Other sources include sponsorship for these events

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
  • Local authorities
  • Women
  • Farmers
Affiliation with other organizations: ALARA is affiliated with other entities promoting Action Learning, Action Research, lifelong learning, and similar development. Organisations include, Global University of Lifelong Learning (GULL), Research@EastZone (Singapore) and working with Ghana Action Learning, Action Research Association (in formation). Other affiliations are generally associated with conducting events, such as Collaborative Action Research Association Network (CARN), universities, such as University of Osijek (Croatia) and North West University (South Africa). People who have attended ALARA events, or published in ALARA publications come from a wide variety of organisations. The list of countries and organisations is extensive. The following is a sample from 2015 / 2016: Rhodes University (South Africa), Roskilde University (Denmark), Aalborg University (Copenhagen), University of Greenland (Greenland), Training and Research Support Centre (Zimbabwe), Lusaka District Community Health Office (Zambia), Dublin City University (Ireland), University of the Free State (South Africa), Environmental Monitoring Group (South Africa), Association for Water and Rural Development (South Africa), Society, Work and Development Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), Higher Institute of Management of Tunis (Tunisia), Indian Institute of Management Indore (India), Keimyung University (South Korea), and Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op (Canada).
Publications: Action Learning and Action Research Journal ( for 2011 - 2018; for 1996 - 2017). Generally published twice annually since 1996, has contained articles related to sustainable development. Also conducted conferences and World Congresses (almost annually since 1991), with a stream dedicated to sustainable development, which have led to articles and publications on the presentations' subject matters. Other publications include occasional Monographs,such as Action Research Engagement: Creating the Foundations for Organizational Change.
Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: ALARA is affiliated with other entities promoting Action Learning, Action Research, lifelong learning, and similar development. Organisations include, Global University of Lifelong Learning (GULL), Research@EastZone (Singapore) and working with Ghana Action Learning, Action Research Association (in formation). Other affiliations are generally associated with conducting events, such as Collaborative Action Research Association Network (CARN), universities, such as University of Osijek (Croatia) and North West University (South Africa). People who have attended ALARA events, or published in ALARA publications come from a wide variety of organisations. The list of countries and organisations is extensive. The following is a sample from 2015 / 2016: Rhodes University (South Africa), Roskilde University (Denmark), Aalborg University (Copenhagen), University of Greenland (Greenland), Training and Research Support Centre (Zimbabwe), Lusaka District Community Health Office (Zambia), Dublin City University (Ireland), University of the Free State (South Africa), Environmental Monitoring Group (South Africa), Association for Water and Rural Development (South Africa), Society, Work and Development Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), Higher Institute of Management of Tunis (Tunisia), Indian Institute of Management Indore (India), Keimyung University (South Korea), and Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op (Canada).
Publications: Action Learning and Action Research Journal ( for 2011 - 2018; for 1996 - 2017). Generally published twice annually since 1996, has contained articles related to sustainable development. Also conducted conferences and World Congresses (almost annually since 1991), which have led to articles and publications on the presentations' subject matters. Other publications include occasional Monographs,such as "Engaging the Arts, Humanities and Design in Action Research and the Helping Professions".
Purpose of the organization: Mission: To promote by all available means the scientific study, practice, research and teaching of Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, and to bring together those of whatsoever professional discipline who are concerned with AL, AR and PM.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: None
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: ALARA receives and publishes articles from academics and practitioners from around the world, and utiises a world-wide group of reviewers to ensure the quality of those published papers. ALARA also conducts conferences and World Congresses in many countries (,including USA (2018), South Africa (2015) and Australia (many years). We are involved in organising a conference in Croatia later this year, and are working with a group to see if they can conduct an event in Ghana in the next two years.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: C Bradley (Australia) E. Tetteh (United States of America) C Algeo (Australia) J Molineux (Australia) A Cook (Australia)
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: ALARA members are academics and practitioners who utilise Action Learning, Action Research or one its various forms in their work, study or practice. That work is often with communities facing personal, organisational, community,governmental or global challenges. ALARA's membership (paid members) is about 74, but its reach is to about 1000 practitioners around the globe.

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: ALARA has members who are in organisations related to advancement of women, or who work with communities that help those communities, and often the women in those communities, in development projects. ALARA does not have a specific affiliation with those organisations, but supports members in their work through publishing articles, networking and conducting conferences.
Publications: Action Learning and Action Research Journal ( for 2011 - 2018; for 1996 - 2017). Generally published twice annually since 1996, has contained articles related to public administration (including education, health, etc.). Also conducted conferences and World Congresses (almost annually since 1991), which have led to articles and publications on the presentations' subject matters. Examples of published papers include Action Research about Good Practice by Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers and Social Workers in Hospitals in Victoria and Enabling Change: How One School Implemented and Adapted Action Learning as a Form of Teacher Professional Development for Over a Decade. ALARA also publishes occasional Monographs.
Statements or documents submitted
to the Commission on the Status of Women:
Statements or documents submitted
to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women:


Affiliation with other organizations: ALARA has members who are in organisations related to the environment, including forests, or who work with communities that help those communities, in sustainable development projects. ALARA does not have a specific affiliation with those organisations, but supports members in their work through publishing articles, networking and conducting conferences.
Affiliation with UN bodies: Nil
Publications: Action Learning and Action Research Journal ( for 2011 - 2018; for 1996 - 2017). Generally published twice annually since 1996, has contained articles related to public administration (including education, health, etc.). Also conducted conferences and World Congresses (almost annually since 1991), which have led to articles and publications on the presentations' subject matters. Examples of published papers include Education for sustainability: Teachers conceptualise their new role by Participatory Action Research and Developing environmental citizenship on campus through Action Research. ALARA also publishes occasional Monographs.
Statements or documents submitted
to the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF):

Public Administration and Development Management

Involvement in Public Administration: Some of ALARA's members are involved in public administration, and Action Learning and Action Research are used in many public administration circumstances, as reflected in articles published and papers presented at ALARA-related conferences. ALARA is not directly involved in public administration, but supports those working in those areas through networks, publications and conferences.
Publications: Action Learning and Action Research Journal ( for 2011 - 2018; for 1996 - 2017). Generally published twice annually since 1996, has contained articles related to public administration (including education, health, etc.). Also conducted conferences and World Congresses (almost annually since 1991), which have led to articles and publications on the presentations' subject matters. Other publications include occasional Monographs, such as Building Leadership Capacity - Sustainable Leadership Auckland Maungakiekie Principals' Group Action Research Project 2009 - 2010.