National Association of Vocational Education of China

Organization's name: National Association of Vocational Education of China
Headquarters address  
Address: A69 Anlelin Rd. Dongcheng District, Bejing,100075

Phone: 86 10 67270247
Fax: 86 10 67270247
Web site:
Organization type: Non-governmental organization
  • English
  • Chinese


Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social:
  • Agriculture
  • Development
  • Education
  • Extreme poverty
  • Labour
  • Science and Technology
  • Social Development
  • Women
  • Youth

Social Development:
  • Disabled persons
  • Poverty
  • Youth
Geographic scope: National
Country of activity:
  • China
Millennium Development Goals:
  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Reduce child mortality
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
Mission statement:
Year established (YYYY): 1917
Year of registration (YYYY): 1991
Organizational structure: --NAVEC’s decision-making body is consisted of executive director board and board of directors. Each session, elected by the NAVEC National Congress is five years. The Presidium the executive council elected by the congress will preside over the work of NAVEC. --NAVEC practises democratic centralism, which combines collective leadership and division of labour with individual responsibility. --The director general is in charge of the daily work under the leadership of the executive council, and the deputy director general assists the work of the director general. -- There are five subordinate departments: General Office, Research Department, External Relations Department; Organizing and Publicity Section; Social Serve Department. After the national congress, the council will lead the work of NAVEC during the period between sessions of the two congresses. Its functions are: 1) Hearing and deliberating work reports of the executive council; 2) Examining the work of the past period and setting tasks for the period ahead; 3) Electing the director and deputy directors
Number and type of members: -By the end of 2008, NAVEC has about 30,000 members, including organization members and individual members, and all of them are from China.
Funding structure:
  • Membership fees or dues
  • Donations and grants from domestic sources
  • Foreign and international grants

Additional Information

Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Children and youth
  • Non-governmental organization
  • Farmers
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: In Dec 2004, NAVEC was approved to be a NGO associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.
Affiliation with other organizations: NAVEC is a member of CNIE (China NGO International Exchanges) which already has consultative status with ECOSOC.

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: NAVEC is a member of CNIE (China NGO International Exchanges) which already has consultative status with ECOSOC.
Publications: Magzine:Vocation and Educataion--semimonthly

Other UN Entities

Accreditation with other UN Entities:
  • DPI