Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Sustainable Development:
Information for decision-making and participation
International cooperation for an enabling environment
Protecting and managing the natural resources
Geographic scope: |
Country of activity: |
Costa Rica
United States of America
Mission statement: |
Year established: |
Organizational structure: |
Friends' [Quakers'] terms are explained in square brackets. Properly constituted Yearly Meetings [regional bodies] of Friends in the various countries appoint representatives to the SC: Steering Committee [plenary assembly], which meets twice yearly, sets policy and budget and establishes committees, according to our bylaws. Between meetings, executive decisions may be taken by Continuing Counsel Committee [executive], or by email poll of SC [plenary]. CCC is composed of all the clerks [convening officers] of committees established by the SC, and ex officio the General Secretary [administrator] |
Number and type of members: |
Number: see QEW website RelatedLinks.html The total Quakers QEW may potentially reach from the Quaker Yearly meetings, Conferences and Programed Yearly Meeting, in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia are approximately 150,000. 1501 past and present contributors world wide receive QEW publications every two months: 900 in the United States; North America. 200 in Canada; North America. 230 in Latin America, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico. 20 in Great Britain; the United Kingdom. 10 in Europe: 4 in France 3 in Belgium 3 in Germany 149 in Africa: 100 in South Africa; Africa 49 in Kenya; Africa 1 in Asia: 1 in China [Hong Kong]; Asia Many simply download from our website. Type: the majority of the Steering Committee [plenary] are representatives of a Yearly Meeting. However, individuals may attend. In Quaker process, approval of any decision requires spiritual unanimity; generally, an objection by any member prevents unanimity, unless that member stands aside. |
Affiliation with NGO networks: |
CoNGO,,, and various Quaker bodies |
Funding structure: |
Donations and grants from domestic sources