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Association pour le Développement du Millénaire
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Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Sustainable Development
Information for decision-making and participation
Sustainable development for Africa
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Country of activity:
Millennium Development Goals:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
cultural development, medical, educational and sporting. GOALS AND COMPOSITION OF ASSOCIATION Article 1st Association known as Association for the Development of the Millenium founded on May 16, 2006 for goal of: - 1° to sensitize the public opinion Djibouti against all diseases the such AIDS and nicotinism and others by the prevention (Health). - 2° to draw the attention of the public authorities Djibouti to lend its contest to the development culture. - 3° to promote education on all these forms example schooling of girls etc - 4° to open out youths by sports activities. - 4° to collaborate with Associations which, in Djibouti and abroad, saw the same one or other objectives. Its duration is unlimited. Its head office is fixed at Djibouti city. Article 2 The means of action of Association are in particular: - to organize prevention and public awareness campaigns. - the drafting, translation, the edition and diffusion of booklets, works, acts of conferences, - creation of regional sections or by branch of industry, - the maintenance of relations followed with Associations, leagues and similar bodies national or international to Djibouti and abroad. Article 3 Association is composed active members, students, benefactors, of honor, who can be natural persons or morals. All the members must be themselves discharged of their annual contribution. The amount of the annual contributions is fixed by the General meeting on a proposal from Executive committee. The regional sections and by branch of industry must pour 25% of the contributions and gifts perceived by them. The repurchase of the contributions is possible at the rate of 20 times the annual contribution. The title of member of honor can be decreed by the Executive committee with the people who return or who rendered services announced to Association. The title of Honorary president can be decreed by the Executive committee, ratified by the General meeting. The membership of Association is lost: - 1° by the resignation; - 2° by radiation either for non-payment of the contribution, or marked for reason engraves by the Executive committee. II - ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION .Association is managed by an Executive committee. The number of the members of the Executive committee is of at least 5 without being able to exceed 10, elected with the secret vote, for 3 years, by the General meeting, chosen among the up to date active members or benefactors in their contribution. In the event of vacancy, the Executive committee can provide temporarily for the replacement with its members. The capacities of the members thus elected end at the time where the mandate of the replaced members should normally expire. The outgoing members are re-eligible. The Executive committee chooses among its members, with the secret vote, an Office made up of a President, one or two Vice-presidents, a General secretary and a Treasurer. The Office is elected for three years. Article 6 The Executive committee meets once at least every six months and each time he is convened by his President or on the request of the quarter of the members of Association. The presence of the third at least of the members of the Executive committee is necessary for the validity of the deliberations. Each member cannot hold more than two capacities at the meetings of the Executive committee. In the event of division of the voices, that of the President is dominating. He is held a statement of the meetings. The statements are signed by the President and the Secretary. They are established (without white, nor erasures) on layers numbered and preserved at the seat of Association. The members of the Executive committee cannot receive any remuneration because of the functions which are entrusted to them.
Year established:
Year of registration:
Number and type of members:
50 members,
Affiliation with NGO networks:
Djiboutian coordination
Funding structure:
Membership fees or dues
Civil Society Database
Organizational Overview
Consultative status
Sustainable Development
Social Development
Advancement of Women
Financing for Development
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Office of the Special Adviser on Africa [OSAA]
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