Major group affiliation: |
- Indigenous people
- Children and youth
- Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: |
Yes |
If yes, explain in detail: |
INMP representatives visit the UN and attend periodically in its conferences. Affiliated museums also attend in conferences, such as the recent conference on indigenous people, attended by affiliates of the Dayton International Peace Museum. |
Affiliation with other organizations: |
Through our member museums and individual members, we are affiliated with various research institutes worldwide, such as the research institute for genocide. INMP also affiliates with international right works organisations, and various other educational, advocacy, and non-profit organisations. |
Publications: |
2012: "Museums for Peace: Transforming Cultures" C. Barrett, J. Apsel (eds.) 2008: "Museums for Peace Worldwide" K. Yamane (ed.) 2008: "Museums for Peace: Past, Present and Future" I. Anzai, J. Apsel, S.S. Mehdi (eds.) 1992 - 2002 / 2010 - recent: INMP biannual newsletter |
Affiliation with other organizations: |
Through our member museums and individual members, we are affiliated with various research institutes worldwide, such as the research institute for genocide. INMP also affiliates with international right works organisations, and various other educational, advocacy, and non-profit organisations. |
Publications: |
2012: "Museums for Peace: Transforming Cultures" C. Barrett, J. Apsel (eds.) 2008: "Museums for Peace Worldwide" K. Yamane (ed.) 2008: "Museums for Peace: Past, Present and Future" I. Anzai, J. Apsel, S.S. Mehdi (eds.) 1992 - 2002 / 2010 - recent: INMP biannual newsletter |
Purpose of the organization: |
The International Network of Museums for Peace is a worldwide network of peace museums that share in the same desire to build a global culture of peace. It also includes peace gardens and other peace related sites, centres and institutions which are involved in public peace education through exhibitions, documentation and similar activities. The objective of the INMP is to contribute to world peace by means of promoting and enhancing the work of museums for peace. The network aims to reach this objective by organising international conferences and other activities, publications (books, articles and newsletters), its website and by creating links between peace museums, related institutions and individuals worldwide to encourage the exchange of information, material, exhibitions, set up joint exhibitions to spread know-how, etc. It also intends to encourage the creation of more peace museums in other parts of the world. The INMP seeks to finance its goals with annual fees, donations, yields from activities and funding. |
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: |
The INMP organizes conferences, workshops and travelling exhibitions in areas relevant to cooperatives, in and with member museums. |
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: |
The INMP has organized several conferences in the U.K. (1992 Bradford), Austria (1995 Geneva), Japan (1998 Osaka and Kyoto, 2008 Kyoto and Hiroshima), Belgium (2003 Ostend), and Spain (2010 Barcelona), with participants from regional, national and international level, and will continue to do so in the future (2013 The Hague in The Netherlands, 2014 No Gun Ri in Korea) |
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: |
General Coordinator: U.K. Executive Board: India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Spain, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A. Advisory Committee: Guatamala, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, U.K., U.S.A. and Uzbekistan |
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: |
Individuals and organisations can apply to join the INMP as an associate. Associates aspire to the same goals as those of INMP, as stated in its regulations. These goals are to contribute to world peace by strengthening the work of museums, galleries and libraries working for peace (collectively called museums for peace). They will do so by fostering worldwide cooperation between museums for peace, in the broadest sense of the word and without any discrimination. Currently, 34 individuals and 30 organisations worldwide have registered as INMP associate (member). |