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Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per il Turismo Spettacolo e Comunicazioni Sociali IIRD

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
  • Workers and trade unions
  • Scientific and technological communities
  • Business and industry
  • Children and youth
  • Local authorities
  • Women
  • Non-governmental organization
  • Farmers
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
Affiliation with other organizations: ARTICOLO 40° ARTICLE 40 1. Il Presidente fondatore e promotore dell’I.I.R.D., S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Ghota e Bragança, Duca di Bragança, ha la facoltà di provvedere, ogni qualvolta lo riterrà opportuno. ai vari riconoscimenti internazionali pubblici e privati ed in particolare a quello delle Nazioni Unite. 2. L’I.I.R.D. può collaborare con l’ONU, FAO, UNESCO, AIEA, OIL; OMS, BIRS, SP, AID, FMI, OACI, UPU, UIT, OMM, IMCO, OVA; OSA, OERS, MEAC, EAC, CEE, OCAMM, MEC, SAMA/CEE e con tutti i governi degli stati del mondo, coi governi in esilio, con tutti i parlamenti delle nazioni, con le case regnanti e non, d’Europa e del mondo, nonché con il Parlamento Mondiale per la Sicurezza e la Pace, con l’Università per la Pace delle Nazioni Unite del Costarica, con l’Archivio Internazionale Nobiliare del Principato d’Andorra e con tutti quegli altri organismi nazionali ed internazionali, pubblici e privati, che riterrà necessari. 1) The I.I.R.D. founder and promoter president S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Duke of Bragança, has the faculty to provide, every time he retains it necessary, all those international, public and private recognitions, particularly the ones of the United Nations. 2) The I.I.R.D. can cooperate with ONU, FAO, UNESCO, AIEA, OIL, OMS, BIRS, SP, AID, FMI, UPU, UIT, OMM. IMCO, OVA, OSA, OERS; MEAC, EAC, CEE, OCAMM, MEC; SAMA/CEE and with all the worldwide governments and exiled ones, reigning houses and non of Europe and the world, with the Worldwide Peace and Security Parliament, with the Peace University of Costa Rica, with the International Noble Archives of Andorra and with all those national and international, public and private organizations that are retained necessary.
Publications: YES.

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: YES.
Publications: YES.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: ARTICOLO 44° ARTICLE 44 L’I.I.R.D., fra gli altri Organismi Internazionali, collabora, per il raggiungimento degli scopi sociali, con l’Università per la Pace delle Nazioni Unite. The I.I.R.D. also cooperates, in order to reach its foreseen social aims, with the Peace University of the United Nations -
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: INTERNATIONAL LEVEL.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: STATI MEMBRI ED ADERENTI ARTICOLO 43° STATE MEMBERS AND FOLLOWERS ARTICLE 43 Dell’I.I.R.D., sin dal 26.05.1979, data della Cerimonia ufficiale dell’inaugurazione della sede di Pordenone sotto la Presidenza Onoraria di Sua Eccellenza il Presidente Emerito della Corte Costituzionale On. Prof. Gaspare Ambrosini, sono Membri i seguenti Stati che hanno sottoscritto, tramite i propri rappresentanti diplomatici ivi presenti, l’ Atto ufficiale: ARGENTINA, CHILE, CHINA, EGYPT, EQUADOR, FINLAND, GABON, GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, JAPAN, MALTA, MAURITIUS, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, PERU’, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SUDAN, SYRIA, TANZANIA, RURKEY, URAGUAY e vi hanno aderito: ARABIC LIGA, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, COLUMBIA, COREA, GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC, GHANA, GREECE, INDIA, IRAK, IRAN, LEBANON, MADAGASCAR, MEXICO, NETHERLAND, SAN MARINO, SOUTH AFRICA, TOGO, VENEZUELA. Inoltre, per l’occasione, hanno dato il proprio appoggio morale le massime autorità politiche e civili italiane, nonché religiose. Since May 26th, 1979, date of the I.I.R.D. Inaugural Ceremony in the Pordenone premises in front of the Honorary President, H.E: Prof: Gaspare Ambrosini-Constitutional Court President, the following States have subscribed to the I.I.R.D. official Act through their own political representatives: ARGENTINA, CHILE, CHINA, EGYPT, EQUADOR, FINLAND, GABON; GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC; JAPAN, MALTA, MAURITIUS, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, PERU’,PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SUDAN, SYRIA, TANZANIA; TURKEY, URUGUAY, ARABIAN LEAGUE, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, COLUMBIA, KOREA, GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC, GHANA, GREECE, INDIA, IRAK, IRAN, LEBANON, MADAGASCAR, MEXICO, NETHERLANDS, SAN MARINO, SOUTH AFRICA, TOGO and VENEZUELA. Furthermore, for this occasion, the moral support of the highest ranking political and cultural authorities together with the religious ones was given.

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: YES.
Publications: YES.


Affiliation with other organizations: YES.
Affiliation with UN bodies: YES.
Publications: YES.
UNFF newsletter Yes

Public Administration and Development Management

Involvement in Public Administration: YES.
Publications: YES.