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KSIWFA (Kalyanpur South Impression Welfare Association)

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Sustainable Development

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: Na
Publications: Na
Statements or documents submitted
to the Commission on the Status of Women:
Statements or documents submitted
to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women:

Financing for Development

Accreditation to: Financing for development
Purpose: We are financing for different regional projects like women's empowerment, skill development, child education, health issue etc.


Major group affiliation: Non-governmental Orgnizations
Affiliation with other organizations: We are tyeup with thousands of Indian organisation those are togetherly working with us , for forest area . We are taking with different groups initiative, those are help for save deforestation. That is the reason its help to global cause. We are jointly start tree planning in India . We are celebrating Green Save Day .
Affiliation with UN bodies: We are first time applying for this .
Publications: Environmental Benefits of Planting a Tree Many people decide to enrich their gardens by planting trees. Most of them do it for the beauty or to provide extra shade in summer months. However, there are more benefits from trees than you might think. Except for relaxing, connecting us with nature and their calming effect, trees do a lot when it comes to the environment. If you are thinking about planting a tree around your home, keep reading to find out what trees do for our environment 1. Reducing Climate Change If people are good at something, then it is building up excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Harmful CO2 contributes to climate change, the biggest current problem the world has to deal with. Trees, however, help fight it. They absorb CO2 removing it from the air and storing it while releasing oxygen. Annually, an acre of trees absorbs the amount of carbon dioxide equal to driving your car 26 000 miles. Trees are our main survival tools; only one tree can produce enough oxygen for four people. 2. Purifying Air Have you ever felt that feeling of „cleaner air“ in the woods or by the seaside? Well, you were right because it is well known that trees do purify the air. They absorb pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia, sulphur dioxide. Trees also absorb odours and act as a filter as little particulates get trapped in leaves. A mature acre of trees can yearly provide oxygen for 18 people. Since year 2017 to till now we are working on this project but we need support to do it's larger scale .
Statements or documents submitted
to the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF):
We are just first time applying for affiliation.

Informal regional network of NGOs

UN-NGO-IRENE Newsletter: Yes