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Civil Society Participation
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Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social
Human Rights
Humanitarian Affairs
Peace and Security
Social Development
United Nations Reform
Geographic scope:
Millennium Development Goals:
Develop global partnership for development
Mission statement:
Our Mission: A New Kind of Institute for a New Kind of World The Toda Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to the pursuit of peace through dialogue. In cooperation with other peace organizations, the institute aims to maximize the efforts of people of all backgrounds and creeds. We offer opportunities to experts in peace studies to interact, research and publish in a global context, giving a voice to humankind as a whole about its most pressing issues. Our motto, “Dialogue of Civilizations for Global Citizenship,” encapsulates the vision of Josei Toda (1900-1958), a Japanese educator and philosopher who was imprisoned together with his mentor Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944) for upholding the belief in the dignity of life despite persecution by the Japanese military government during World War II. Makiguchi died in prison but Toda was able to survive the ordeal, devoting the rest of his life to the development of a grassroots peace movement in post-war Japan. The Toda Institute was established on 11 February 1996 by Toda’s main disciple Daisaku Ikeda (1928 -), the President of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a worldwide movement for peace, culture and education based on Buddhist Humanism. Ikeda is a prolific writer, poet and photographer who has published more than 50 volumes of dialogues with prominent world figures. He established the Toda Institute to implement Toda’s vision of a world free of nuclear weapons where global citizens interact with each other based on trust and friendship. Ikeda expanded this vision in order to create a new civilizational platform characterized by respect for life, interconnectedness, understanding and cooperation. Goals and Activities of the Toda Institute Our main activities, for the promotion of peace research, are the organization of conferences, the publication of books, and of the yearly journal Peace & Policy. Following Toda, Ikeda asserts that all institutions should first and foremost serve people. Like his mentor, he also believes in dialogue and nonviolence as the proper tools to achieve goals. Inspired by their common vision, the Toda Institute will focus on three main themes: Human Security and Human Rights Dialogue and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation Global Governance and World Citizenship These three themes will be explored in order to find concrete solutions to three main issues: Abolition of Nuclear Weapons UN Reform, to ensure a more collaborative world Sustainable Peace through Environmental Integrity and Social Justice
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Civil Society Database
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Sustainable Development
Social Development
Advancement of Women
Financing for Development
Public Administration
Dept. of Public Information
Office of the Special Adviser on Africa [OSAA]
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