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> View Profile: Activities
Dar Al-Salam Organization
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Areas of expertise & Fields of activity:
Economic and Social
Crime Prevention
Criminal Justice
Human Rights
Peace and Security
Social Development
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Mission statement:
Dar Al-Salaam Organization (DASO) – The Dar Al-Salaam Organization (DASO), or “House of Peace”, is an indigenous Yemeni NGO focused on conflict resolution and countering violent extremism through engagement of tribal and religious leaders. Based in Sana’a, DASO has grassroots networks and trust relationships throughout the country. Led by a Sufi tribal sheikh, DASO has developed 250 grassroots Peace Committees around the country with over 4000 tribal, religious, youth, and community leaders as members.DASO’s work focuses on tribal mediation, religious and sectarian dialogue, conducting youth peace building workshops, and engaging religious leaders in reducing violent extremism. DASO’s approach employs traditional tribal mediation practices, emphasizing the role of Islamic principles in reducing violence, preventing revenge killings, and promoting peaceful coexistence among different sects and identity groups. The organization conducts training workshops with influential citizen leaders (e.g. religious preachers, counselors, academics, tribal leaders, and members of local government) to promote peace and coexistence in their communities. Some workshops, for example, have brought together Yemeni Salafis, Ismaili and Zaydi Shias, Sufis, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Houthi movements to raise awareness of the Islamic basis for peaceful coexistence and social diversity, to equip participants to transmit these values to their communities, and to counter political and extremist manipulation of religion. DASO trainings have focused on building participants’ knowledge of the causes and realities of conflict in Yemen, raising awareness of Islamic values that promote peace and coexistence, and developing participants’ capacities to mitigate armed conflicts and propagate values of forgiveness, human rights, democracy, and social cohesion in the larger culture. Training modules in DASO workshops have included themes on armed conflict and social violence and the role of tribal and religious ethics and leaders in its promotion or prevention. DASO has managed several internationally-supported programs. One, conducted in partnership with the Government of Yemen, the US Embassy, and the private sector, trained hundreds of religious, local council, and other community leaders in eight governorates in peace building, collaboration, and countering violent extremism. Another 18-month project on peace and social cohesion, sponsored by the European Union, conducted a field study on issues of conflict in Abyan, Al-Jawf, and Lahj, awareness-raising workshops to disseminate the findings of the study, and community initiatives to promote dialogue and reconciliation. DASO has also facilitated initiatives to increase peaceful electoral participation, especially among women. Most recently, DASO launched a program to engage civil society activists, particularly women and youth leaders, in advocating and supporting the outcomes of Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference (NDC) in their communities and connecting the concerns and priorities of these communities to the NDC and the government.
Year established:
Year of registration:
Organizational structure:
Chairman; Executive Director; Council of trustees; Managing Director; 2 Supreme councils made up of Sheikhs, Academics, Tribal members; Administrative department; Financial department; Legal & Human Rights department; External Relations including tribal and foreign.
Number and type of members:
6,500 members - From different sect including elders, academics, legal professionals, tribes and citizens.
Affiliation with NGO networks:
Amnesty International and IANSA & International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
Funding structure:
Donations and grants from domestic sources
Foreign and international grants
Civil Society Database
Organizational Overview
Consultative status
Sustainable Development
Social Development
Advancement of Women
Financing for Development
Public Administration
Dept. of Public Information
Office of the Special Adviser on Africa [OSAA]
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