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Full time staff: 3; 10 Contractors
Mary Jane Von Allmen: Chair - Retired manager of strategic initiatives, Texaco, Inc.; nonprofit board experience Unistar Federal Credit Union, American Cancer Society, Dutchess Outreach, Jewish Family Services. Committees: Executive Chair, Ex Officio all committees.
Dana vanderHeyden: First Vice-Chair - B.A. in French literature, M.A. in French; diploma from the Sorbonne (Paris, France). Served on the Board of Directors of Vermont Public Radio, the Northern Vermont Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Alliance Francaise of Vermont, the University of Vermont Lane Series, the Region I Board of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, and the Advisory Board of Heritage Winooski. Continues to serve on the board of Burlington City Arts, the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vermont, and the World Affairs Council of the Mid-Hudson Valley in New York. Committees: Executive, Governance.
Mary Louise Van Winkle: Second Vice- Chair - Retired Educator and Education Consultant. Committees: Executive, Governance.
Manuela Roosevelt: Secretary - Serves as the CEO of Springwood Media LLC, a digital publisher of highly innovative academic learning systems. B.A. in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University). Has overseen the publication of illustrated non-fiction titles in the subjects of science, history, biography, current affairs, art history, and gift titles; has authored eight books, which have been published in several languages. Committees: Program.
Tina Chirico: Treasurer - CFO of Anderson Center for Autism and the President of the NYS Financial Managers Association. Committees: Finance, Development.
Bobbie Birleffi: TV Gals, TV producer; former ERVK Board Member
Blanche Wiesen Cook: Renowned biographer of Eleanor Roosevelt. Distinguished professor of History and Women’s Studies at the John Jay College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York; former ERVK Board Member
Wendy Roosevelt Fahy: Teacher and Former Board Member; great granddaughter of Eleanor Roosevelt.
Jack Gagliardo: More than 26 years of corporate and broadcast experience - including 15 years with Kraft Foods, and earlier for General Foods, where he was manager of creative services. Prior to that position, he was a supervisor of media services. Prior to that position, he was a supervisor of media services at SCM Corporation. He has also served as an adjunct instructor at Marist College's School of Communication & the Arts. Committees: Finance.
Natalie Hahn: Deputy Director of the Programme Funding Office of UNICEF. Bachelor’s degree in home economics and journalism, a master's degree in journalism and in public administration, and an Ed.D. in administration, planning and social policy. Working with three agencies of the United Nations she has spent her adult life residing in Italy, Nigeria and Malawi and has completed assignments in 31 countries.
Richard Kaplan: Writer -Producer-Director-Editor at Family Tribute Films; Producer at However Films; Video script Writer + website blogger at Indigo Productions; Academy award winner.
Madeleine Kunin: Former Governor of Vermont
Timmian Massie: Chief Public Affairs, Marist College
Michell Speight: Director of Programs, Dyson Foundation, managing grants for Dutchess County working with such organizations as Planned Parenthood of New York City and Associated Black Charities
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