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Women's World Summit Foundation

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Children and youth
  • Women
  • Non-governmental organization
  • Farmers
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: WWSF has consultative status with UNFPA and DPI.
Affiliation with other organizations: WWSF is member of various organizations and networks dealing with women and children's rights, i.e. CONGO, CRIN, ISPCAN, MIRA, LIMITA, the NGO Committee on Unicef, the NGO Group on the CRC, the Swiss Network for the rights of the child, Kinderschutz Schweiz, Swiss Kinderlobby, CAOU, the CRC-NGO working group on the Girl child, on sexual exploitation of children, on violence against children, among others.
Publications: link www.woman.ch (women's section)

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: WWSf is a founding member of the MILLIONTH CIRCLE and has launched in Switzerland 5 Cricles for social development and partnerships for development.
Publications: posters and annual reports of training session link www.woman.ch

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: WWSF has a network of thousands of contacts of women and women's groups working for the advancement of women around the world.
Publications: Poster and information on annual WWSF Prize for women's creativity in rural life (as of 2008, 344 lauretes in over 100 countries have received the awards (US$ 1000 per laureate and US$ 3000 for advanced groups in Africa).

Other UN Entities

Accreditation with other UN Entities:
  • DPI