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Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregion Andina

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Scientific and technological communities
  • Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: We are mmebers of the Mountain Partnership and currently coordinating the Decentralize Hub for Latin America
Affiliation with other organizations: CGIAR, Mountain Forum, International Mountain Society
Publications: * Desarrollo rural territorial y gobernanza de los recursos naturales. Reflexiones en los Andes, 2010. * CONDESAN, 18 años en los Andes, 2010 * Carta de Navegación de CONDESAN: Ruta de trabajo frente a los desafíos 2011-2015 * Servicios Ambientales Hidrológicos en la Región Andina. Estado del conocimiento, la acción y la política para asegurar su provisión mediante esquemas de pago por servicios ambientales. 2009. * Ex ante evaluation of land use alternatives to internalize environmental externalities and increase rural welfare. Evaluation and selection of land uses for the prioritized URH in Fuquene watershed, 2009 La dinámica de la pobreza y la función de la ganadería en el Perú, 2007. Serie Contribuciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Andes, No 6, Noviembre 2007 * El Sistema de Innovación Tecnológica, Necesidades y Demandas Tecnológicas. Una investigación nacional y regional, 2007 * Derechos de Agua y Gestión Ciudadana: 4 países mediante 4 estudios de caso. Serie Diálogo de Políticas No. 7, Junio 2007 * Proyecto: Regulación de Derechos de Agua en Bolivia. Serie Diálogo de Políticas No. 6, Mayo 2007 * Agua y Libre Comercio. Una mirada reflexiva desde Bolivia. Serie Diálogo de Políticas No. 5, Abril 2007 * Enfoque y análisis Ecorregional: Reabriendo la discusión. Serie Contribuciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Andes No 5, Marzo 2007 * Andenes y desarrollo sustentable

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: International Mountaion Society Mountain Partnership Mountain Forum
Purpose of the organization: Vision CONDESAN is known as the as the most effective platform to articulate initiatives by a variety of actors in multiple levels, that offer alternatives to the Andean populations in order to integrate the environment in their development strategies, to profit from the economic opportunities derived from the preservation of biodiversity, ensure their food supply, understand environmental and political processes of change and also participate in the design of adaptation strategies to improve their well being. Mission To mobilize the wealth of the Andes, in order to overcome poverty and social exclusion. To do so, CONDESAN seeks to create and share information and knowledge about the environment in Andean rural societies, to promote policy dialogues with local actors, national governments and regional organisms, and to strengthen Andean human and institutional capital in order to promote new leaders for sustainable development on the Andes. Programs and initiatives CONDESAN mobilizes actors from the Andean region through research and development initiatives in key issues for sustainable development. At the same time, it holds three institutional programs: Panorama Andino (to assess the status of knowledge, action and politics on priority issues), Diálogo Andino (to deepen the dialogue among actors in order to transform policy recommendations into agreements for action) and InfoAndina (to communicate efficiently new information and knowledge). These programs and the initiatives branching from them, respond to the analysis axes and the lines of work prioritized for the 2011 – 2015 period.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Betancourth, Andrés Felipe - Colombia Chalabe, Susana - Argentina Pomareda, Carlos - Perú Guinand, Lupe - Venezuela Engel, Paul - Holanda Villagomez, César - Bolivia Salazar, Roberto - Ecuador

Other UN Entities

Accreditation with other UN Entities:
  • UNEP