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International Police Executive Symposium

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Sustainable Development

Affiliation with other organizations: We articulated our activities with different women´s organizations located in the various regions of Argentina. Locally we are part of the Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito. Regionally we composed the Red Latinoamericana de Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir that has its presence in 10 countries.
Publications: Every year we produce a number of publications about Sexual and Reproductive rights, advancement of women-gender equality, violence against women, sexual diversity, religions fundamentalisms,etc. i.e Acceso Universal a la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, 2009. Diversidad Sexual y Religión, 2008. Planificando nuestro futuro - Reedición, 2008.Derechos sexuales y reproductivos con perspectiva de género. Debates y propuestas de transformación, 2007, 2008. Mujeres tomando la palabra. Resistiendo los fundamentalismos: Historias de las mujeres, sus vidas, sus conceptos, 2007. En Nombre de la Vida, 2007. Asamblea General, 2006.ABORTO: Argumentos católicos a favor del derecho a decidir, 2005. Dossiers: La violencia hacia las mujeres viene de lejos, Aborto y Biblia, Umbrales de lo religioso, politicas del Vaticano, en Defensa del Laicismo, 2008.

Social Development

Accreditation to: Indigenous Forum
Affiliation with other organizations: For our annual meetings we have working relationship with the UN, Interpol, Europol
Publications: Police Practice & Research: An International Journal (published by Taylor & Francis, UK: six issues per year since 2000) 1-2 Books per year, including: Trends in Policing (2009); Global Trafficking in Women and Children (2007); Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement & Policing (2008); Police Education & Training in a Global Society (2007); Comparative Problems of Policing - Interviews with 19 Police Leaders from Different Nations(2007); Policing of Corruption - An INternational Comparative Perspective (2005); Public Order - A World Perspective (2004); International Police Cooperation - A World Perspective (2001); International Perspectives on Community Policing & Crime Prevention (2002); Organized Crime - World Perspectives (2002); Policing Democracies (2000). Forthcoming books include: Police and Community; Global Environment of Policing - How are the Police Responding to New Challenges; Local Linkages to Global Crime and Security; Abuses of Women and Children; Effective Crime Reduction Strategies; Urbanization and Security; Justices of the World