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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Women

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: Besides the Institution where the Centre is held, Instituto Superior San José de Calasanz, we don’t have organizations as members, but we do have organizations affiliated (with whom we have projects in common): - UNESCO CHAIR IN PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING (which is also held in Instituto Superior San José de Calasanz) from 2004. - RED SOLIDARIA from 2004; - MISSING CHILDREN ARGENTINA from 2004; - ROTARY CLUB INTERNATIONAL (District No 4900) from 2004; - FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS DE LA TRAGEDIA DE SANTA FE from 2007; - FUNDACIÓN DEL HOSPITAL DE NIÑOS GARRAHAM from 2007; - RATT (RED NACIONAL ALTO AL TRÁFICO, LA TRATA Y LA EXPLOTACIÓN SEXUAL, COMERCIAL DE NIÑOS, NIÑAS Y ADOLESCENTES) from 2007.
Purpose of the organization: Our main aim is to promote the development of scientific and technological research, the human science and the artistic values, as well as to create and to divulge the knowledge and culture in all its ways. Another important goal is to extend its action and services into the community, in order to contribute to its development and transformation, particularly taking into account the national and regional problems, giving technical and scientific assistance to the government. Another dimension is the construction and preservation of the Natural and Cultural Patrimony of our country and the World through promoting consciousness raising, and the belonging to different networks, as RED SOLIDARIA, RED ONU, PEA UNESCO.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: -“Construction of citizenship and Culture of Peace”: academic proposal for 1,500 students of Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels in San José de Calasanz Institute, trough the dictation of the subject “Human Formation”. -"Culture of Peace Program”: academic proposal aimed to promote the work through networks and through the culture of solidarity between 2,929 schools (privates and stated run) of 10 districts in Buenos Aires. -Training course: Education in Values (Taylor-made course) , from March to September 2008 aimed to 60 managers of REPSOL YPF Enterprise. -Academic research: “The violence and its manifestations in Educative Institutions of secondary level”. From July 2008 and is still being carried out. The research is based on school from Hurlingham, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Gran Lima (Peru) and Montevideo (Uruguay). -“Culture of Solidarity Chair”: dictation of this chair, jointly organized with the RED SOLIDARIA. From June to July 2008, and from May 2009 (and continues). -Organization of the 7th Conference Regional of Education called “Llegar Antes” (“To arrive firstly”),September 23rd,24th and 25th 2008, with the attendance of 450 participants, Hurlingham, Buenos Aires. Conference free of charge. -Lecture about “Education in Values and Culture of Peace (Schools against Bullying)” in the “First International Congress about New Educational Proposals”, organized by the Educational Cs. College of University Inca Garcilazo De la Vega; Lima, Peru., in April, 2008. -Lecture called “Nets: Educational Institutions and Communities”, in the Third International Congress of Education”, org. by the Educational Cs. College of University César Vallejos, Lima, Peru July, 2008 -Lecture about “ Schools and the development of the dialogical skills”, in the Third International Congress of Education”, Organized by the Educational Cs. College of University César Vallejos, Lima, Peru. -Lecture “Violence in school: bullying” in the International Congress of Education, organized by the County of Guayaquil, Ecuador. August 2008 -We are developing a Multimedia DVD, part of the “Culture of Peace Program”, in which we provide not only some videos (interviews to some well kwon cultural referents such as 1980 Nobel Peace Awarded Mr Adolfo Pérez Esquivel) but also some pedagogical suggestions and activities based on those interviews. This DVD also includes a very varied bibliographic archive: more than 200 documents from UNESCO, OEI, IIPE, UNICEF, ONU, FAO, etc. This DVD will be delivered –free of charge- to the 2,929 schools that are part of our Program. -The organization of 8th Regional Congress of Education that took place on 24th and 25th September 2009, called “An active citizenship for a Culture of Peace”, in Hurlingham, Buenos Aires. This Congress was sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Buenos Aires, and by the National Committee of Cooperation with UNESCO. -RED ONU PROGRAMME-2008 Topics: Human Rights; 2009 Topic: Racism, Discrimination and Prejudice. The change generation: the youth and the culture. Indigenous People. We have been carried out this program since 2006, in the San José de Calasanz Superior Institute. -PEA UNESCO 2009 Topics: Natural and Cultural Heritage. Culture of Peace. Also carried out in the Institute mentioned before. -MONDIALOGO PROGRAM: In 2006, a group of students of San José de Calasanz Institute participated in this program, obtaining the 3rd place in the contest.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Board: General Director: Mr Marcelo López Birra – Argentine. Director of Academic Research: Mr Carlos Leonardo María Visca – Argentine - Administrative Team: Coordinator of Resources: Dr Alejandro Cafruni – Argentine Librarian in charge of documentation resources: Mrs Stella Funes - Argentine Executive Secretary: Ms Silvia Vargas – Argentine Administrative Assistant: Ms Inti Contreras - Argentine All this people is part of our permanent staff.
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: - Board: 2 members: a General Director and a Director of Academic Research. - Professors and Researchers (part time dedication): 7 members - Administrative Work Team: 4 members: a Coordinator of Resources, a Librarian in charge of documentation resources, an Executive Secretary, and Administrative Assistant. - Consultative Professionals (who are hired depending on the necessity): at least 7 members (Lawyer, Doctor, Psychoanalyst, etc.) - Organizations that collaborate with our work: these organizations collaborate with us ad-honorem in specific projects. - Instituto Superior San José de Calasanz , institution where the centre is held. The decisions are taken jointly by the General Director, the Director of Academic Research and the Coordinator of Resources. We don’t charge membership fees. The majority of the expenditure is covered by the San José de Calasanz Superior Institute, institution where the Centre is held.


Major group affiliation: Indigenous People