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Sustainable Development

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: Turkish Philanthropy Funds, partners with dozens of NGO's in Turkey to promote and support the works they do to create long lasting social change in Turkey. Several NGOS from Turkey have received grants from TPF to advance the status of youth, women and children, to support education, arts and culture and etc.
Publications: Annual Report 2008-2009, annual
Purpose of the organization: TPF is the first transnational philanthropy organization of the Turkish-American community that employs the community foundation model, which is an application of one of the oldest traditions in human history: helping your neighbor. At its most simple, TPF's donor centric model allows donors to give "through" rather than giving directly to TPF. Therefore, we center all of our giving to respond to donors' interests and commitments. TPF's model allows all individuals, those of substantial and modest means alike, to participate in giving back to their community. As a result of its constant growth in the past decades, the Turkish-American community in the United States has now reached a critical mass where it can start to make a difference. There is great interest in the community to give back to Turkey through credible and transparent civil society organizations. As TPF, we would not only like to provide a tax-deductible vehicle for contributions to organizations in Turkey, but also introduce high-impact organizations to the Turkish community in the United States. As a US-based public charity, TPF offers individuals, families, advisors (legal and financial), and civil society organizations a wide range of professional services to develop efficient and tax-effective gift plans that are compliant with national and international charitable laws. Donors have a chance to give to an issue area or an organization of their choice and learn if their funds were spent for the intended purposes. This system allows the donors to have more control over their contributions.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: Grantmaking organization, primarily to accredited nonprofit organizations in Turkey.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Haldun Tashman, Chairman, (Turkey) Özlenen Eser Kalav, President & CEO (Turkey) Erinch R. Özada, Vice-Chair, (Turkey) Mustafa Kemal Abadan, Treasurer, (Turkey) Gamze Ates, Secretary (Turkey) Murat Agirnasli (Turkey) Nicholas C. Porcaro (United States of America) Mehmet Lütfi Kirdar (Turkey)
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: Not a member based organization

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: Through the Sabanci Foundation Grant Program of the “UN Joint Program to Promote and Protect Human Rights of Women and Girls”, Turkish Philanthropy Funds has supported the "Kasik Tutan Elden Para Tutan Ele" (From hands that hold spoons to hands that hold money) Project of the Turkish Women's Association's Trabzon Chapter. The project aimed to give women participants culinary training so that they may be financially independent using their newly acquired skills.