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Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de ingenierías Industrial, Administrativa y de Producción

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Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: As an association we have alliances with global and local entities for project and activities management to fulfill an integral formation for engineering students and leave a positive and significant contribution to our society. We have alliances with: - Marca CO - Youth Alliance - Management Vision: Develop activities and research development, innovation, entrepreneurship or social projects; enabling scientific and research development of young students, communities and companies.
Publications: At the moment, we don’t have magazines and publications disseminated to external audiences, we manage an internal magazine called "Revista ANEIAP" to show the association issues in each of their addresses and chapters.
Purpose of the organization: The National Association of Student Engineering Industrial, Management and Production - ANEIAP - is an autonomous entity with no affiliation political, non-profit, regardless of race, religion, nationality or creed; variable number and unlimited partners; formed in order to promote and to support the planning and development of activities which foster growth and overall development of future professionals such engineering.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Actually we don´t have anyone
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: ANEIAP is conformed by chapters that are founded at the universities of Colombia. ANEIAP has a presence in more than 25 universities, the universities are divided by regions, these regions turn in sectionals. The following cities in Colombia, with their respective sectional and regions, is where ANEIAP is present: - North Region: sectional Guajira, sectional Barranquilla, sectional Sincelejo, sectional Santa Marta, sectional Valledupar and sectional Pamplona. - Paisa Region: sectional Manizales, sectional Medellin and sectional Pereira - South West Region: sectional cali - Central Region: sectional Bogotá and sectional Neiva For purposes of understanding the "activities" carried out by the association, they will be divided into: International, National, Regional, Sectional, Chapterhouse 1. International: CLEIN: Currently we are logistical support and organizers of the Latin American Congress of Students of Industrial Engineering and Affine. 2. National: - National Meeting of Presidents (RNP):Draw policies and operational guidelines for partnership at national and local level during the legislative year. Discover the key points in each of the chapters and the National Board Conduct an analysis of the management of each of the chapters of ANEIAP. - National Day Update (JNA): Internal activity that seeks to align the goals of the National Board for each of the chapters. Provide leadership training attendees - National Training Seminar (SNC): Provide academic training on personal training where skills that are applicable to the Association develop. Integrate partners attending the seminar, encouraging them feedback from their activities in chapters (best practices). Keep track of the activities of the Association (ANEIAP work). - National Convention ANEIAP (CONAL):The National Convention of the Association ANEIAP intends to review the work of the National Board in the first half of its management, as well as evaluate the performance of the chapters so far. - National Congress of Students of Engineering Industrial Management and Production. (CONEIAP): Training on current topics of general interest to members of the association, students of Industrial Engineering, Management and Production, which do not belong to the ANEIAP, and other careers that have an affinity with the subject. 3. Regional/Sectional Regional Training Seminars Sectional Training Seminars 4. Chapterhouse Training courses Academic Events Industrial visits
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: - David Acosta, National President, Colombian - Guillermo Soto, National Controller, Colombian - Sandra Vera, National Development Director, Colombian - Danisi Niebles, National Communications Director, Colombian - Nicolas Mojica, National Director Marketing and Advertising, Colombian - Jose Dulcey, National Academic Director, Colombian - Juan David Restrepo, National Director Finance, Colombian
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: Sectional Barranquilla: - CUC: 49 - Librequilla:18 - UAC: 43 - Uninorte: 59 - Uniatlantico: 124 - Unisimon: 32 Sectional Bogota: - Unicafam: 25 - Librebog: 61 - Udistrital:56 - Unalbog: 29 Sectional Cali - ICESI: 69 - UAO: 35 - USB: 25 - Univalle: 32 - PUJ: 46 Sectional Manizales - Unalma: 35 Sectional Medellin - USBmed: 29 - UDEA: 53 - Unalmed: 76 Sectional Pereira - UTP: 112 - UCP: 35 Sectional Cucuta - Unipamplona: 66 Sectional Riohacha - Uniguajira: 18 Sectional Santa Marta - Unimagdalena: 94 Sectional Sincelejo - CECAR: 17 Sectional Neiva - UCC: 19 Sectional Valledupar - UDES: 21 TOTAL NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 1278