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Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

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Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: EPC Europe, EPC International, True Dignity Vermont, Montanans Against Assisted Suicide, Choice is an Illusion USA, Real Dignity Tasmania, Californians Against Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia Stop Belgium, HOPE Australia; Care Not Killing UK; Euthanasia Debate New Zealand.
Publications: Publications: Books: “Exposing Vulnerable People to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide” by Alex Schadenberg, December 2012 Booklets: “Palliative Care Not Euthanasia” by Jean Echlin and Joanne St.Pierre, 2010; Elder Abuse, Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide: Must We Consider the Link” by Philip Prins, 2005 Pamphlets: “ Caring Not Killing” 1999; “Euthanasia Paper” 2003; “Protecting People From Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide”, 2012; Monthly Newsletter since 1999; DVDs from symposiums and conferences; Blog, Website, Other Social Media Publications
Purpose of the organization: To prepare a well-informed, broadly-based network of organizations and individuals supporting measures that will create an effective social barrier to euthanasia and assisted suicide. Objectives: Increased understanding and respect for the dignity of human life, enhanced support for hospice/palliative care systems and caring community services, maintain and enforce existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide, and establish and build Compassionate Care Community Services. Our Aims: • To present a united voice in presentations to governments or other organizations with respect to issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide. • To network and exchange information between members and concerned people. • To develop and promote pamphlets, information sheets, books and a website for educating the public on issues related to euthanasia, assisted suicide and hospice/palliative care. • To build a research team for collecting and assessing information. • To organize events and promote quality speakers who can address issues related to euthanasia, assisted suicide and hospice/palliative care. • To create the opportunity for informative debate. • To establish and build compassionate care community services as an alternative to “mercy killing.”
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition recognizes the need for compassionate care and community services that concentrate on maintaining the dignity of every human life. We recognize that vulnerable persons, including the disabled, elderly, chronically ill, poor, depressed and other persons, are most threatened by legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide. Therefore, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is committed to promoting hospice/palliative care services that adhere to our principles. We believe that caring options must be established in order to prevent killing. Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has intervenor status in court cases where we can protect the most vulnerable. EPC provides educational materials and opportunities to the public.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: International symposiums and leadership meetings are held in UK, Australia, Belgium, France, Italy and USA; leadership meetings, national and international conferences are held in Canada. Some of these events are recorded and available on DVDs. Publications are produced and distributed. Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has intervenor status in court cases where we can protect the most vulnerable.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: EPC Canada (all board members are Canadian) President: Joanne Matters, Vice-President: Dr. Margaret Cottle, Secretary: Rhonda Wiebe, Executive Director: Alex Schadenberg, Board Member at-large: Jean Echlin, Legal Counsel: Hugh Scher, Steve Passmore, Amy Hasbrouck, Past President: Dr. L. De Vebber
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has 2900 members in Canada and USA, North America who have paid membership fees. Affiliate groups have their own membership. We do have active and committed supporters in many regions and countries who have not paid a membership fee. We have 10,000 contacts world-wide.