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Fundación Novia Salcedo

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Business and industry
  • Children and youth
  • Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: Since 2004, NSF is signing partner of the Global Compact United Nations. As an active participant in the UN Global Compact we commit to make the Global Compact ten principles part of our business strategies and day-to-day operations. We also commit to issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP), a public disclosure to our stakeholders on progress made in implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, and in supporting broader UN development goals. We post our COP on the Global Compact website and share it widely with our stakeholders.
Affiliation with other organizations: NSF is member of the European Foundation for Quality Management - EFQM www.efqm.org, a European Foundation whose mission is to inspire organisations to achieve sustainable excellence by engaging leaders to learn, share and innovate using the EFQM Excellence Model. Since its origins, the main objective is to increase the competitiveness of European organisations and support the sustainable development of the European economies. NSF´s projects and processes are implemented using this management model. Throughout 19 years of experience with the model, NSF has always considered adopting this model and the principles of Excellence it supports as a key instrument to achieve its strategic goals. This has made it possible for this non-profit foundation to survive without external subsidies for over 34 years and has helped it improve and evolve. Moreover, this way of working and these good management practices have earned NSF external recognition on several occasions. Other networks in which NSF is involved: Basque network of Science Technnology and innovation (Basque Government); Innobasque – Basque Social Innovation; Innovanet network; The European Network of the Foundations for Social Economy – PEFONDES; UNESCO Etxea - UNESCO Basque Country Centre; Basque Government – Department of Education; Basque Employment Service – Lanbide; Basque Industry netwotk; 800 regional, national and international companies and organizations; Social Agents (Confebask - Association of employers, Trade Unions, Unesco Etxea País vasco, …); Professional Associations; Educational Institutions (University of the Basque Country UPV – EHU; University of Deusto; University of Mondragon); Network of secondary schools. At national level: Ministries of the Spanish Government, Senate; FECYT – Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology; ILO International Labour Organisation, Spanish Office; SEGIB – Iberoamerican General Secretary; OIJ - Ibero – American organisation of Youth; INJUVE – Spanish Institute of Youth; National Universities (University of Navarra; University of Salamanca, etc…) At international level: European Comission: DG Employment, DG Education, DG Enterprise; European Parliament; Delegation of the Basque Country in Brussels; PEFONDES network; network of companies involved in Leonardo International Mobility programme; network of companies involved in Global Training International Mobility Programme.
Publications: As member of the United Nations Global Compact , NSF is committed to issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP). On United Nations Global Compact website can be found all the reports written by NSF since 2005 until 2012 regarding this issue http://www.pmold.globalincubator.net/component/consultarinformes/?Itemid=599 Since NSF´s Laboratory Research on Social Innovation started its activity in 2000, more than 40 thematic reports have been prepared. From that date until today, The list of recent reports on social innovation in the last three years is presented: - Report of “Análisis de buenas prácticas en diseño y planificación en políticas de drogas de cara a la elaboración del VI Plan de Drogodependencias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi 2009 – 2013” for the Social Affairs department of Basque Government, 2009 - Green Paper “Valores para una Sociedad Vasca Innovadora 2030”, for Innobasque , 2009. - Study “Calidad del empleo joven en la CAPV”, for EGAILAN, S.A., 2009. - Study “Observatorio del empleo universitario”, for the Social Council of UPV – EHU Basque Country University, 2009. - II Position Paper “Idear el mundo después de la crisis”. Fundación Novia Salcedo, 2010. - Study “Dinámicas de trabajo en las empresas” for Lanbide – Basque Employment Service, 2010 – 2011. - Study “Estudio Cualitativo sobre los valores de la Sociedad Vasca Innovadora”. Innobasque, 2011. - Pilot study “Empresa Moderna para el desarrollo humanos y social para la elaboración de un índice potencial de innovación social en las empresas”, for Lanbide, 2011 – 2012. - Study “Estudio Cualitativo sobre los valores de la Sociedad Vasca Innovadora”. Innobasque, 2012. - Research and validation of the Study “Empresa Moderna para el desarrollo humano y social para la elaboración de un índice de potencial de innovación social en las empresas”, 2012 – 2013. - “Análisis de Datos de los Usuarios NSF para establecer conexiones entre programas y servicios, y la probabilidad de encontrar un empleo”, 2013. More info at: http://www.noviasalcedo.es/es/menu,publicaciones--/menu,estudios/ Cuaderno I Icaro Think Tank, 2011. Cuaderno II Icaro Think Tank “Cómo aprender a cooperar”, 2012. Cuaderno III Icaro Think Tank, “Transparencia y buen gobierno en las organizaciones”, 2013. More info at: http://www.noviasalcedo.es/upload/publicaciones/pdf/icaro3english.PDF
Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: Member joined the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Youth Employment 2013 - 2015 Ministry of Employment and Social Security of the Government of Spain
Publications: As member of the United Nations Global Compact , NSF is committed to issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP). On United Nations Global Compact website can be found all the reports written by NSF since 2005 until 2012 regarding this issue http://www.pm-old.globalincubator.net/component/consultarinformes/?Itemid=599 Since NSF´s Laboratory Research on Social Innovation started its activity in 2000, more than 40 thematic reports have been prepared. From that date until today, The list of recent reports on social innovation in the last three years is presented: - Report on “Análisis de buenas prácticas en diseño y planificación en políticas de drogas de cara a la elaboración del VI Plan de Drogodependencias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi 2009 – 2013” for the Social Affairs department of Basque Government, 2009 - Green Paper “Valores para una Sociedad Vasca Innovadora 2030”, for Innobasque , 2009. - Study “Calidad del empleo joven en la CAPV”, for EGAILAN, S.A., 2009. - Study “Observatorio del empleo universitario”, for the Social Council of UPV – EHU Basque Country University, 2009. - II Position Paper “Idear el mundo después de la crisis”. Fundación Novia Salcedo, 2010. - Study “Dinámicas de trabajo en las empresas” for Lanbide – Basque Employment Service, 2010 – 2011. - Study “Estudio Cualitativo sobre los valores de la Sociedad Vasca Innovadora”. Innobasque, 2011. - Pilot study “Empresa Moderna para el desarrollo humanos y social para la elaboración de un índice potencial de innovación social en las empresas”, for Lanbide, 2011 – 2012. - Study “Estudio Cualitativo sobre los valores de la Sociedad Vasca Innovadora”. Innobasque, 2012. - Research and validation of the Study “Empresa Moderna para el desarrollo humano y social para la elaboración de un índice de potencial de innovación social en las empresas”, 2012 – 2013. - Análisis de Datos de los Usuarios NSF para establecer conexiones entre programas y servicios , y la probabilidad de encontrar un empleo”, 2013. More info at: http://www.noviasalcedo.es/es/menu,publicaciones--/menu,estudios/ Cuaderno I Icaro Think Tank, 2011. Cuaderno II Icaro Think Tank “Cómo aprender a cooperar”, 2012. Cuaderno III Icaro Think Tank, “Transparencia y buen gobierno en las organizaciones”, 2013. More info at: http://www.noviasalcedo.es/upload/publicaciones/pdf/icaro3english.PDF
Purpose of the organization: The objective of Fundación Novia Salcedo (NSF) is to promote the social and professional integration of young people, assisting them by providing information, guidance and training to achieve professional skills in the classroom and through internships in partner organisations. We try to work on the factors that are preventing young people from accessing the labour market, including the mismatch between technical and transversal competencies and a lack of work experience. With this in view, NSF has launched a Professional Internship Programme (hereinafter PIP) with a triple mission: 1. Accompany young and higher education graduates in their professional development process through the acquisition of skills from a combination of classroom learning and work experience in companies. 2. Detect Companies and Organisations willing to work with the internship programme, incorporating young professionals, offering an attractive training plan and acting as an educating company. 3. Sensitise society about the inclusive and human values in the work and education-training environment. The basic action consists, therefore, in practical learning internships in national and international companies, supplemented with classroom training before and during the practical training period. The content will be based on the development of general skills aimed at improving of their professional development.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: None
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: As mentioned before, NSF has mainly three types of activities: (1) Reflection: ICARO THINK TANK (2) Action programmes to connect young people with the labour market, focused on the recommendation of the ILO to overcome the barriers to enter the job market; (3) Raising awareness in society to impulse changes and the active collaboration of all our stakeholders in the transformation of the society (NSF Prize for Excellence in the professional integration of young people; Articles of opinion; presentation in specialized forums. Each of these main fields of activity implies actions at a regional, national and international level. At a regional level, we develop our Professional Internship Programme (hereinafter PIP) programme, which has a triple misión: 1. Accompany young and higher education graduates in their professional development process through the acquisition of skills from a combination of classroom learning and work experience in companies. 2. Detect Companies and Organisations willing to work with the internship programme, incorporating young professionals, offering an attractive training plan and acting as an educating company. 3. Sensitise society about the inclusive and human values in the work and education-training environment. The basic action consists, therefore, in practical learning internships in national and international companies, supplemented with classroom training before and during the practical training period. The content will be based on the development of general skills aimed at improving of their professional development. All these activities have led to the following results during the last 4 years 1. Number of young people who join a company through PIP Year 2009:573, Year 2010:568, Year 2011:762, Year 2012:702 2. Scholarship fund provided by the companies Year 2009: 2,600,000, Year 2010: 2,759,000, Year 2011: 3,600,000, Year 2012: 3,800,000 3. Loyal companies that trust us and the way we work % of company loyalty: 96% 4. Percentage of NSF workers that consider NSF as the best place to work 2009: 91%; 2010: 100%; 2011: 94.96%; 2012: 97.5% Moreover, NSF has also been developing International Mobility programmes during the last 6 years. In 2013, 150 young people have joined an international organisation.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: A Board of Trustees and a Technical Committee govern NSF, through a shared ethical leadership throughout the organization. NSF governance is aligned with the principles of "excellence", in order to ensure its sustainability in the future. Making this happen is not an easy challenge given the complexity of NSF"s challenges and operations. The Board is composed of 14 members: Honorary President and Founder: Txomin Bereciartua; President: Luis Cañada; Vice Presidents: Javier Chalbaud and Emiliano López Atxurra; Treasurer: Alberto Garcia Erauzkin; Members: Nekane Balluerka, Javier Echenique, Alejandro Echevarria, Juan Luis Laskurain, José M Mato, Santiago Rivero, Fernando Querejeta, Federico Solana; Secretary (no vote): Begoña Etxebarria. The country of nationality for all of them in Spain.
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: In NSF, the following people are considered as key members of our organisation: - A professional team of 30 members. - 14 members of the Board of Governors. - 800 companies and organisations who actively collaborate in our young employment programmes. - 75 members of the Icaro Think Tank.

Public Administration and Development Management

Involvement in Public Administration: NSF firmly believes in Public-private cooperation: we stablish permanent agreements with the public administrations and develop partnership with over 800 companies that share the mission of NSF. NSF is called upon by different institutions belonging to the public administrations and the governments of the Basque Country (our closest field of action) to participate in forums and identify major lines of action that are then become public policies related to youth employment. In fact, two main events in NSF´s activity, which are “NSF Excellence Award” and “Icaro Think Tank”, have the financial support of the Basque Government, and the Lehendakari (Prime Minister of the Basque Country) and His Royal Highness, Dn, Felipe de Borbón, Prince of Asturias, have attended and presided the Award Ceremony. NSF has also a wide stakeholders network which includes Public Administration, at regional, national and European and international level. Some examples of this are the following ones: At regional level: Basque Goverment: Education, Universities and Research Department ; Justice, Employment and Social Security Department; Industry, Commerce and Tourism Department. EUSTAT - Basque Institute of Statistics; EMAKUNDE – Basque Institute of Woman; Bizkaia Provincial Council; Araba Provincial Council; Gipuzkoa Provincial Council; Local Development Agencies; Municipalities and Supramunicipal bodies. At national level: Public Administrations and International Organisations such as Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Government of La Rioja, Government of Navarra, Ministries, Senate, FCYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, European Office in Madrid; ILO, SEGIB - ; OIJ - ; INJUVE At international level: Comisión Europea (DG – EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES; DG – Education; DG – Enterprise); European Parliament ;Basque Delegation in Brussels; Representatives of other european regions (Companies and Social Agents such as NGOs, Foundations, etc...)
Publications: Report to the Department of Education of the Basque Government, 2007 – 2008. I Basque Plan for Volunteering, for the Basque Government, 2003 – 2005. II Basque Plan for Volunteering, for the Basque Government, 2008 - 2010 Studies for the Employment Ministry of the Spanish goverment. Research, involving different European public authorities, on their perception about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the framework of the CSR Vaderegio project (supported by the European Comission, the Department of Industry of the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia). More info at http://www.noviasalcedo.es/es/menu,publicaciones--/menu,estudios/