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Fundación Acción Pro Derechos Humanos

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Social Development

Publications: In the field of dissemination of economic and social rights, as well as the standards and international and regional mechanisms established for their protection, may be mentioned that the Action For Human Rights Foundation maintains published the following WEB TOOLS and WEBSITES: - The TABLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS (published in www.derechoshumanos.net/derechos), which represents a huge work of systematization of human rights (including labor, social and economic rights) rules, standards and mechanisms for their protection and has received more than 6 Million visits from around the world. - A website (www.derechoshumanos.net) that has received more than 12 Million views from around the world (mainly from Spanish-speaking countries). Google has registered visits received from 205 countries or non-sef-governing territories. Among the visits received by this website, Google has detected visits coming from the networks of over 800 universities and, on the other hand, among the websites of institutions in which have been included website pages or documents with links pointing to my website "DerechosHumanos.Net" may be mentioned the following: * International organizations: - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) [ohchr.org]. - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) [acnur.org] - Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL) of the UN [cepal.org] - Council of Europe [coe.int] - Organization of American States (OAS) [oas.org] - Inter-American Court of Human Rights [corteidh.or.cr] * Governments, Authorities and Courts: - Congress of Peru [congreso.gob.pe] - Government of Guatemala [gob.gt] - Government of Ecuador [gob.ec] - Government of Argentina [gob.ar] - Department for International Development of the United Kingdom [dfdi.gov.uk] - Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina [jus.gov.ar] - Ministry of Health of Costa Rica [ministeriodesalud.go.cr] - Ministry of Public Education of Mexico [sep.gob.mx]. - Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of the State of Sonora [sec-sonora.gob.mx] - Government of the Province of Córdoba [cba.gov.ar] - Constitutional Court of Colombia [corteconstitucional.gov.co] - Judicial Branch of Peru [pj.gob.pe] - Administrative Court of the State of Oaxaca (Mexico) [tribunalcontenciosooax.gob.mx] - Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Honduras [tse.hn] - Electoral Power of Venezuela [cne.gov.ve] - Electoral Institute for Citizen Participation and the State of Durango (Mexico) [iepcdgo.org.mx] - Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Spain) [msssi.gob.es and msc.es] - Madrid (Spain) [madrid.org] - Generalitat of Catalonia (Spain) [gencat.cat] - Aragon Government (Spain) [aragon.es] - Government of the Canary Islands (Spain) [gobiernodecanarias.org] - Basque Government (Spain) [euskadi.net] - Police Academy of the Basque Country (Spain) [arkauteakademia.net] - Official Gazette (Spain) [boe.es] * Ombudsmen: - Ombudsman of Bolivia [defensoria.gob.bo] - Ombudsman of Paraguay [defensoriadelpueblo.gov.py] - Ararteko (Ombudsman of the Basque Country) [ararteko.net]: 451 links are detected in their Portal to the Portal DerechosHumanos.net. * International NGOs: - International Committee of the Red Cross [icrc.org] - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs [iwgia.org] - Andean Commission of Jurists [cajpe.org.pe] - International Justice Program [internationaljusticeproject.com]
Purpose of the organization: a) The defence and promotion of Human Rights and the rights recognised by the International Conventions, Pacts or Protocols on civil, political and social and economic rights. b) The defence and promotion of equal opportunities and the integration and fight against any kind of discrimination and, in particular, violence and discrimination exerted for reasons of gender (including gender violence); racial, ethnic or national origin; age; sexual orientation; disability: disease; genetic characteristics and other circumstances of birth; aesthetic reasons; religion or convictions, political or any other kind of opinions; language; and any other circumstances or social characteristics of similar significance. c) The defence and promotion of democratic values and principles. d) The fight against violence and intolerance and the defence of its victims. e) The fight against corruption and the defence and promotion of transparency in public affairs and the economy. f) The fostering of social economy.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: 1) At the international level: a) Our Foundation has filed various reports to different United Nations bodies and monitoring mechanisms. Our last report, submitted to the Committee Against Torture (CAT) can be downloaded from the CAT website (http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CAT/Shared%20Documents/ESP/INT_CAT_CSS_ESP_20111_S.pdf). The claims in our report have had wide resonance in the Concluding Observations of the Committee on Spain. b) In the field of dissemination of economic and social rights, as well as the standards and international and regional mechanisms established for their protection, may be mentioned that the Action For Human Rights Foundation maintains published the following WEB TOOLS and WEBSITES: i) The TABLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS 2.0 (published in www.derechoshumanos.net/derechos), which represents a huge work of systematization of human rights (including labor, social and economic rights) rules, standards and mechanisms established for their protection (both in the universal sytem and in the American, European and African regional systems) and has received more than 6 Million visits from around the world. ii) A website (www.derechoshumanos.net) that has received more than 12 Million views from around the world. Google has registered visits received from 205 countries or non-sef-governing territories to this website. 2) At the national level: a) Our Foundation has supported judicial proceedings in which it has been gotten the Supreme Court of Spain to annul certain Government acts and rules which were violating certain human rights, and it has been gotten it in spite of the opposition, not only from the State Bar, but also from Public Prosecutor. b) Our Foundation has also achieved the reopening of criminal proceedings for allegedly police abuses against illegal immigrants, prematurely dismissed and filed by the Courts, and we have been able to get it in spite of the opposition of the Public Prosecutor.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: - Mr. Javier García Espinar (Spain); - Mrs. Raquel Ruiz Sánchez (Spain); - Mrs. Pilar Espinar Sierra (Spain); - Mr. Manuel García Espinar (Spain)
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: Strictly speaking, a Foundation has no members apart from the members forming its bodies. A Foundation is different from an Association (which itself is made up of members, strictly speaking). The number of members of the bodies of the Foundation are the following: 1) Board of Trustees: 4 individual members. 2) Board of Founders: 5 individual members. 3) Consultative Board: 4 individual members and 4 organizations.