Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:
In 2015, many countries around the world came together at the UN to define a common vision of progress for humankind. We agreed to the Sustainable Development Goals – or SDGs. They are the most ambitious global agenda ever seen: to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the planet by 2030. By the time many of us retire, people will still continue making choices, decisions that will either make it easier or harder to achieve these goals. Today’s generation of young children is the largest the world has ever known. One in every three people alive today is under the age of thirty, and around ninety per cent of young people are living in developing countries, mainly Africa. Liberia is no different. With more than one million people aged 10–25 years, people represent the biggest demographic group, accounting for over a third of the population and a significant share of working age people. Even by 2040, when the country’s population is expected to reach 6 million, almost 30 percent will still be young. This is where the SDGs come in. These 17 goals (such as no poverty, zero hunger, affordable and clean energy) define the global priorities for people and the planet for the next 14 years. At the heart of the SDGs are the three pillars of development – economic, social and environmental. The focus is on eliminating poverty and reducing inequality, to have everyone benefit from development, and leave no one behind, without harming the planet further. As people may know, before the SDGs we had the MDGs - 8 Millennium Development Goals, which Liberian made impressive progress towards. More than 50,000 Liberians were lifted out of the poverty; there was also a significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality. But some MDGs were not fully achieved: despite the progress made, one in five Liberians still lives below the poverty line, despite Liberia’s mineral wealth. MDG targets for clean water and sanitation remain a challenge, especially in the countryside and the MDG target for gender equality in decision-making was not met. So how do we bring change and prosperity to Liberia? Any change, starts with an individual action and is shaped by our daily behavior. This includes choices about the way we live, behave, produce, consume and invest. Our decisions today can contribute to having enough clean water, better air, healthier lifestyle so that ultimately we all live longer and productive life. Everyone can make a difference by for example: avoiding food waste Such actions may be small on their own: but when hundreds or thousands or millions of you do them, they become huge. Beyond your own choices -- let think also about our role in our country’s present and tomorrow. we are Liberian’s future entrepreneurs, social workers, scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers and leaders. And maybe that is what some of our already are….some of these professions are not anymore defined by age – even a 15 year old can become an entrepreneur – something unheard of 30 years ago. You determine what kind of investments are made, what kind of jobs are created, what type of goods we produce, and what knowledge we will pass on to others. People represent the chance to diversify the country’s economy towards a more sustainable path, harnessing new technology, the Internet, new services and new ways of working and communicating with others. With youth comes energy, innovation, and optimism – if there are supportive environments and opportunities. Stories of young children from Liberia are inspiring others around the world towards positive change in their own communities. / link: web-page: Promote Sustainable Development | United Nations - К UN.ORG |