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Parents Forum

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: Yes
If yes, explain in detail: Nothing official. We do attend meetings.
Affiliation with other organizations: Informal collaboration only.
Publications: Where the Heart Listens: a handbook for parents and their allies in a global society (book, 2010, by Eve Sullivan); What Challenges Do You Face As a Parent? (brochure, 2019, in multiple languages), Tools of the Trade (workshop handout 2019, in multiple languages).
Statements or documents submitted
Commission on Sustainable Development:
Our mission: to foster caring, honest and respectful communications throughout society, starting in families. Our goals: to give parents new ways to handle strong emotions, improve the balance in their lives, teach their values and use both guidance and encouragement in raising their children.

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: SARP, Société Algérienne pour la Recherche en Psychologie la Human Development Network (HDN/Algeria, International Federation for Parent Education (IFPE/FIEP)/France, National Parenting Education Network (NPEN)/USA, Doha International Family Institute (DIFI)/Qatar.
Publications: Where the Heart Listens: a handbook for parents and their allies in a global society (book, 2010, by Eve Sullivan); What Challenges Do You Face As a Parent? (brochure, 2019, in multiple languages), Tools for the Trade (workshop handout 2019, in multiple languages).
Purpose of the organization: Our mission: to foster caring, honest and respectful communications throughout society, starting in families. Our goals: to give parents new ways to handle strong emotions, improve the balance in their lives, teach their values and use both guidance and encouragement in raising their children.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: We hold our workshops for parents in locations accessible to mobility-impaired individuals and have, on several occasions, offered Parents Forum workshops with sign language interpretation for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: Regionally we presented at View from All Sides in November 2018, an annual program organized by Massachusetts Stand for Children for early childhood educators, parenting educators and others. In August 2019, at the invitation of the city’s mayor, we trained 18 family advocates in Youngstown Ohio, and they are going forward with parenting workshops in that city. Nationally we are part of NPEN the National Parenting Education Network. At the international level in February 2020 we attended CSocD58 in New York and attended CSocD57 in 2019. We also took part in the Doha International Family Institute conference on Parenting and Child Wellbeing in Qatar in October 2018. Prior to that we presented a training in Algeria in December 2016. These are a sample of our activities. Feedback from participants in our trainings and workshops is consistently highly favorable. We believe that the short-term outcomes are greater confidence and competence among parents in fulfilling their daily responsibilities toward their children. We believe that, long-term, the outcomes include improved child well-being, behavior and mental health.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Inas Alawam (US and Syria), Djamel Bekkai-Pierre (US, France, Algeria), Andrea Edson (US), Andres Garcia (Colombia), Eve Sullivan (US), Andericus Jamesa Wagwau (Kenya) and Athena Wang (China).
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: At this point, our bylaws do not allow members, but we are consulting with our attorney in order to modify the bylaws. We intend to create a membership opportunity and mechanism on our website in order to more effectively engage and serve the many individuals in various parts of the world who support our parenting education work and want to promote in their home regions.