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Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos AEDIDH

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Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: The SSIHRL launched in 2008 the World Alliance on the Human Right to Peace, which has been joined by significant public institutions and more than 800 Civil Society Organizations world-wide (many of them with consultative status in ECOSOC). The have endorsed joint written statements on the codification of the human right to peace prepared by the SSIHRL and circulated as official documents of the last sessions of both the UN Human Rights Council and its Advisory Committee.
Publications: 1. Books - VILLÁN DURÁN (C.) & FALEH PÉREZ (C.) (Editors), Regional Contributions for a Universal Declaration on the Human Right to Peace. Luarca, SSIHRL, July 2010, 640 p. - FALEH PÉREZ, Carmelo y VILLÁN DURÁN, C. (directores): Estudios sobre el derecho humano a la paz, Madrid: La Catarata, 2010, 367 p. - INSTITUTO CATALÁN INTERNACIONAL PARA LA PAZ: La Declaración de Barcelona sobre el Derecho Humano a la Paz, Barcelona: ICIP/AEDIDH, 2010, 106 p. MAYOR ZARAGOZA, Federico (et al.): Hacia la paz desde los derechos humanos. Reflexiones sobre el derecho humano a la paz. Bilbao, UNESCO Etxea/AEDIDH, 2009, 93 p, - RUEDA CASTAÑÓN (C. R.) & VILLÁN DURÁN (C.) (Editors), The Luarca Declaration on the Human Right to Peace. 2nd ed., Granda (Siero): Madú, 2008, 560 p. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C.: Curso de derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Madrid, Trotta, 2002 (reimpresión: 2006), 1028 p. at 381-436. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C. y FALEH PÉREZ, Carmelo: Prácticas de derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Madrid, Dilex, 2006, 773 p. y anexos 2. Training materials - VILLÁN DURÁN, C.: Venezuela ante el sistema de las Naciones Unidas para la protección de los derechos humanos. Caracas, Taller de formación para abogados litigantes, noviembre de 2010, 127 p. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C. y FALEH PÉREZ, Carmelo: El sistema de las Naciones Unidas para la protección de los derechos humanos. Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá, VII Master en protección internacional de los derechos humanos, octubre de 2010, 119 p. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C. y FALEH PÉREZ, Carmelo: Prácticas de derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá, VII Master en protección internacional de los derechos humanos, octubre de 2010, 444 p. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C.: España ante el sistema de las Naciones Unidas para la protección de los derechos humanos. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Master sobre protección de derechos fundamentales, abril de 2010, 145 p. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C.: México ante el sistema universal de protección de los derechos humanos. México DF, Segundo Curso Interdisciplinario de Alta Formación en Derechos Humanos, julio de 2009, 141 p. 3. Articles and Chapters of books (slight selection) - VILLÁN DURÁN, Carlos: “Hacia una declaración universal sobre el derecho humano a la paz”, Anuario de la Asociación para las Naciones Unidas en España-Agenda ONU, n. 6 (2003-2004), pp. 219-241. - VILLÁN DURÁN, Carlos: “La técnica codificadora de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. Su aplicación al caso del derecho humano a la paz”, Tiempo de Paz (Madrid), 80 (2006), pp. 9-15. - VILLÁN DURÁN, Carlos: “El reconocimiento internacional del derecho humano a la paz”, in SALADO OSUNA, Ana (coord.), Los derechos humanos aquí y ahora. 60 años después de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, Madrid: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Derechos Humanos/Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, 2008, pp. 155-173. - VILLÁN DURÁN (C.) y FALEH PÉREZ (C.): “Contribución de la AEDIDH a la aplicación en España del Protocolo Facultativo de la Convención contra la Tortura y Otros Tratos o Penas Crueles, Inhumanos o Degradantes”, in MARIÑO MENÉNDEZ (F. M.) y CEBADA ROMERO (A.) (Directores), La creación del mecanismo español de prevención de la tortura. Iustel, Madrid, 2009, 349 p., at 267-298. - VILLÁN DURÁN, C. y FALEH PÉREZ, C.: “Derecho a un recurso efectivo y a obtener una reparación justa y adecuada que corresponde a las víctimas de desapariciones forzadas, crímenes contra la humanidad y otras violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas en España durante la Guerrillas civil y la Dictadura”, Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, núm. 16, 2008, 51 p.
Purpose of the organization: In accordance with Article 2 of its Statutes, the purposes of the SSIHRL are as follows: 1. To promote teaching, training, research, development and implementation of international human rights law (henceforth, IHRL). IHRL is understood as the system of rules and institutions which has been developed by States through the United Nations and other international, universal and regional organizations, whose aim is to establish international standards and institutions for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, without any form of discrimination; 2.To introduce the values of IHRL into educational, political, social and cultural programs in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in those where the SSIHRL has an office or delegation, as well as to promote the development of civil society in terms of human rights; 3.To take part in the spreading, promotion and defense of IHRL throughout Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, as well as in non-Spanish-speaking countries or communities with which Spain or any of its regions share special historic, cultural or geographical links; 4. To advise and represent the victims of human rights violations before national and international protection mechanisms; 5.To carry out and/or take part in development cooperation programs integrating IHRL values – especially the principle of equality between men and women; the prohibition of any form of discrimination based on gender, race, color, language, culture, religion, conviction, political or other opinions, nationality, age, financial situation, assets, marital status, birth or any other condition, and the principle of respect for diversity – with the aim of contributing inter alia to the following objectives: a) The implementation and consolidation of democratic regimes; b) The protection, recognition and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms; c) Peace, the eradication of poverty, democracy, citizens’ participation and the development of civil society; d) The protection of the environment; e) The protection of the most vulnerable members of affected communities, such as children and young adults, women, the elderly, minorities, disabled people, migrants and rural and indigenous communities. 6. To contribute to the development of IHRL in the context of the International Organizations.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: In accordance with Article 3 of its Statutes, the SSIHRL promotes the following initiatives and activities: 1. At national level: a) To organize training courses, meetings, fora, workshops and any other event to advance the development of the IHRL; b) To provide legal advice to victims of human rights violations; c) To develop IHRL research, coordinating the lines of investigation of researchers from Spain and abroad: d) To promote the publication of reports on the practical implementation of IHRL and materials for the practical teaching of this matter; e) To maintain a library specialised in IHRL as well as the SSIHRL Web site on the Internet. f) To integrate the SSIHRL in the Spanish Federation of Associations for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (with consultative status before the United Nations) and to take part in their work; g) To cooperate with organisations and people working for the defence and promotion of human rights in the various sectors of the Spanish society; h) To promote in any other way training of IHRL specialists and professionals; and i) To maintain cooperation relationship with national, regional, local and international institutions and bodies in their human rights activities. 2. At regional level: a) To produce and implement human rights training programmes aimed at civil society and non-governmental organisations (CSOs), professional associations and civil servants working with the various Administrations in the Principality of Asturias, non-legal university specialities, secondary schools and the general public (neighbours and local associations, etc.); b) To provide technical advice to regional, provincial, island and local institutions on the main human rights activities, such as the establishment and consolidation of regional human rights institutions; the production and monitoring of a regional or local plan of action with regard to human rights; the formulation of international development cooperation in the field of human rights; offering expert advice on other issues; organising scientific meetings in the field of human rights which may have a significant political and social impact, etc.; and c) To advocate for the establishment of an Annual Human Rights Award. 3. At international level: a) To promote the study of IHRL at universities and other Spanish-speaking institutions; b) To network with European and international institutions conducting similar activities; c) To advise and represent the victims of human rights violations before national and international protection mechanisms; d) To take part in the work of the United Nations, especially the Human Rights Council and its subsidiary organs (Advisory Committee, Working Groups, Special Rapporteurs), as well as specialised institutions and organisations in the United Nations system, whose activities are relevant to the field of human rights; e) To take part in the work carried out by human rights treaty-based bodies in the United Nations; f) To take part in the human rights activities carried out by the Council of Europe, the European Union, the OAS and other regional Organisations; g) To undertake cooperation agreements in the field of human rights with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the European Commission and other European institutions, the International Institute for Human Rights (Strasbourg), the lnter-American Institute of Human Rights (San José), the Andean Commission of Jurists (Lima) and other national, regional and international bodies; h) To design and implement technical cooperation programmes in the field of human rights, aimed at Spanish-speaking countries; and i) To maintain cooperation relationship with national and regional human rights institutions, as well as State, regional and local institutions in their human rights activities.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: The Executive Committee is composed of 5 members, as follows: President: Prof. Carlos Villán Durán, Spain. Vice-president: Prof. Dr. Alberto Hildalgo Tuñón, Spain. Secretary-General: Prof. Dr. Carmelo Faleh Pérez, Spain. Treasurer: Prof. Dr. Hernando Valencia Villa, Colombia. Legal Adviser: Efrén Villán Sánchez, Spain. Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Javier Chinchón Álvarez, Spain.
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: The SSIHRL has 100 members in Spain and Latin America, as follows: The Founding members (3) signed in 2004 the first Statutes for the establishment of the SSIHRL. The Ordinary members are IHRL professionals or researchers with wide-ranging experience, who support the aims of the SSIHRL and the inherent values of the IHRL (i.e academics, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, officials of international organizations, CSO members and other prominent professionals who defend and promote the values of the IHRL). Candidates to membership must request admission, by means of a written and reasoned application sent to the President of the SSIHRL, with the endorsement of two members of the Executive Committee. It falls to the Executive Committee to propose to the General Assembly the admission of new members on the basis of the applications received. The members of the Scientific Board (5) provide expert advice to the Executive Committee in matters particularly relevant to the IHRL. The Honorary members (10) are senior experts with outstanding professional careers in the development of IHRL, or members of institutions making exceptional contributions to the SSIHRL. They are exempt from paying membership fees. They cannot vote or be eligible for the Executive Committee and can attend but not vote in the General Assembly. They are designated by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Executive Committee.