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Fundación ONCE para la Cooperación e Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad

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Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: European Disability Forum (EDF). In recent years the ONCE Foundation has cooperated closely with the EDF. The EDF is the organization that, for twenty years, has brought together the European organizations that represent people with disabilities at national level, as well as those European organizations which defend the interests of any type of specific disability. As an associated member, ONCE Foundation has played a particularly relevant role supporting the EDF in the negotiation process of the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, as well as in the training of organizations representing people with disabilities in the area of the Balkans. European Foundation Centre (EFC). ONCE Foundation’s cooperation with other European foundations in order to improve their identity in the EU and its ability to cooperate with the European Institutions has been channeled through the EFC. In this framework, ONCE Foundation leads the EFC’s Disability Thematic Network. Social Economy Europe (SEE). ONCE Foundation participates in the representative organization of the Social Economy Europe, previously known as CEP-CMAF, through the European Foundation Centre and in connection with CEPES (Spanish Social Economy Business Confederation). The SEE works towards the recognition of the Social Economy as an entity representing a sector that is necessary for economic and social cohesion in the European Union, generating employment (10% of total employment in the EU) and manifesting such important principles as social inclusion. European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). ONCE Foundation is present in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), through the Director of Social and International Relations of ONCE Foundation as Director of this EU advisory body in representation of the Confederación Empresarial Española para la Economía Social CEPES (Spanish Social Economy Business Confederation) and member of its Board of Directors. This Committee is the highest advisory body for the major economic and social issues in the European Union. In 2015, the Director of Social and International Relations of ONCE Foundation was appointed as observer of the EESC in the United Nations Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy. European Centre of Public Companies and Services (CEEP). Being members of CEEP provides access to the social dialogue table on a European level. We take part in the meetings of the Employment and Social Affairs Commission on a European level and in the European Committee on the European Social Fund. CERMI. The Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities, the platform for meeting and political action of people with disabilities, constituted by the main state organizations of persons with disabilities, several adherents of sectoral action and a large group of autonomous platforms, all which group more than 7,000 associations and entities, representing in total the 3.8 million people with disabilities in Spain. Asociación Española de Fundaciones (AEF). The Spanish Association of Foundations is a private and independent association of national scope. It groups 873 Spanish foundations of the most diverse dimensions, aims and fields of action. It is the most representative entity of the sector at national level and the second most important in Europe. Its mission is to work for the benefit of the whole of the foundational sector in favor of its development and strengthening. European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR). ONCE Foundation participates as a member for all legal purposes in the EPR, a non-profit organization that brings together institutions which provide services in the areas of occupational, medical and social rehabilitation for people with disabilities with the aim of improving their position in the job market. Besides, we are in the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT). We also participate in the European Institute of Design for All Platform (EIDD).
Publications: ONCE Foundation has its own Editorial. The list of publications (catalogue) can be accessed and downloaded at: http://biblioteca.fundaciononce.es/publicaciones/procedencia/colecciones-propias
Purpose of the organization: According to ONCE Foundation’s Statutes (article 6), the mission of the entity is to promote the full social inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families by contributing to the protection of their human rights and the realization of the principles of equality and non-discrimination. Accordingly, ONCE Foundation has the following principles and objectives (article 7): i) the promotion of the full employment integration of persons with disabilities; ii) the promotion of professional qualifications, employment professional and personal skills, as well as any other factor affecting the level of employment of persons with disabilities, and therefore, the general employment process; iii) the promotion of general accessibility and universal design. Also, ONCE Foundation is a learning organization, generating research and knowledge on different issues related to disability that can lead to the fulfillment of its mission.
Activities relevant to the conference of States Parties to the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European Union, European Social Fund, Programa XTalento (For Talent Programme). The Operational Programme Fight against Discrimination, Programa Xtalento (For Talent Program), is the program that ONCE Foundation managed during the budget period 2007-2013 and that has run until 2015, with co-financing from the European Social Fund (ESF) and with the participation in some of the planned actions as its beneficiary, of the Association for the Employment and Training of People with Disabilities, FSC Inserta. ONCE Foundation was designated, by means of resolution dated 28th December, 2015, by the General Department for the Self-Employed, Social Economy and CSR, a department of the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security, as beneficiary of two FSE operative programmes: Social Inclusion and Social Economy and Youth Employment. Besides, ONCE Foundation has been working with the European Foundation Center since 2002 in the Proyecto Mecenas (Patron Project) for the analysis and promotion of foundation projects for the training and employment of people with disabilities in Europe. This project has represented an opportunity for the exchange of good practices between European foundations and the establishment of interest networks with others which, like ONCE Foundation, work towards the social inclusion of people with disabilities. In this same framework, an Interest Group has been created which brings together foundations and other active players in the disability field and which is presided by ONCE Foundation. Likewise, in 2008 the European Consortium of Foundations on Human Rights and Disability (currently, the Disability Thematic Network) was put into action, a project created within the structure of the European Foundation Centre, whose activities revolve around the ratification and implementation in Europe of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. This Consortium draws together the foundations and civic organizations that work in the field of human rights and/or disability, along with other agents such as the organizations of judges, notaries, solicitors, etc. which do not normally participate in the debate regarding the implementation of international treaties but which play an essential role from the point of view of obtaining results. The Foundation has also participated with the European Economic and Social Committee (EU) in the drafting of Reports with major repercussion for the disability sector, among others the Report regarding the “Commission Communication to the European Parliament and Council, towards a legally binding instrument of the United Nations to promote and protect the rights and dignity of People with Disabilities.” Other reports of interest: “Report regarding the anti-discrimination directive proposal”, “Report regarding a new European social action programme” and “Report regarding digital libraries”
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: In addition to the ONCE itself as founding entity, the principal organizations for disabled people are present in the ONCE Foundation, through its maximum governing body, the Board of Trustees. These organizations are: COCEMFE (Confederación Coordinadora Estatal de Minusválidos Físicos de España - National Coordination Confederation for Physically Disabled People in Spain); FEAPS (Confederación Española de Organizaciones a Favor de las Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual - Spanish Confederation of Organizations in Favour of People with Intellectual Disability), currently Plena Inclusión; CNSE (Confederación Estatal de Personas Sordas - National Confederation of Deaf People); FIAPAS (Confederación Española de Padres y Amigos de los Sordos - Spanish Confederation of Parents and Friends of Deaf People); FEAFES, currently Confederación Salud Mental España (Mental Health Spain Confederation); ASPACE (Confederación Española de Federaciones y Asociaciones de Atención a las Personas con Parálisis Cerebral y Afines - Spanish Confederation of Federations and Associations of Attention to People with Cerebral Palsy and Allied). The Board of Trustees of the ONCE Foundation also includes CERMI (Comité Español de Representantes de las Personas con Discapacidad – The Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disability), a platform which unites the principal organizations for disabled people in Spain, many of them specific to one autonomous community, bringing together more than 3,000 associations and entities, which represent the 3.8 million people with disabilities and their families that exist in Spain. Likewise, two representatives of the State Administration are discretionally appointed members