Involvement in Public Administration: |
The Association's Governmental Relations Office (GRO) serves as the "eyes and ears" of the Association in the State Capitol. NYSBA does not have a political action committee (PAC) and does not make political contributions.
The status of important bills and regulations is communicated regularly to relevant Association entities with an interest in a particular piece of legislation. The GRO also conveys the views of the Association on a broad range of issues to numerous federal agencies as well as New York's Congressional delegation.
The Association's Sections and Committees often prepare legislation for submission at both the State and Federal level. The International Section, in particular, has established the following goals: (1) Custodian of New York Law as an International Standard, (2) Guardian of the New York Convention on the Enforcement and Recognition of Arbitral Awards and the international arbitral process and (3) Monitor of International Law Development at the United Nations. |
Publications: |
New York State Bar Journal: Published nine times per year and is the flagship publication of the Association.
State Bar News: Published six times per year to inform members of Association activities and issues of interest to the legal profession.
Most sections produce publications that vary in number and frequency. A complete list of section publications may be found online at
The International Section, in particular, publishes the New York International Chapter News, which reports on current issues and updates on international law, country news, member news, firm news and Section activities; the International Law Practicum, whcih features peer-written, substantive articles relating to the practical needs of attorneys in an international setting, emphasizing clinical matters as opposed to academic, exploring the application of international law for the generalist rather than theoretical discussions for the expert, published twice per year; and the New York International Law Review, which features peer-written substantive articles relating to the practice of international law on such topics as NAFTA, terrorist financing restrictions, the collection of money judgments outside the U.S., foreign direct investments, and trade agreements, and is published twice per year.
Additional publications of the Association are listed online at |