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Buddies Association of Volunteers for Orphans, Disabled and Abandoned Children

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
  • Children and youth
  • Women

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: Yes. 1) CAVOAH-CAM (Centre d'Accueil et de Volontariat pour Orphelins, Abandonnes et Handicapes du Cameroun) 2) AMOS Cameroun (Association Mondial de Secours) 3) BWF (Better World Foundation) 4)AGBETSI International 5)SOS Kinderdorf 6)La Dynamique Citoyenne (CD) 7)The World Women Summit Foundation (WWSF) 8The United Nations Commission for Human Rights (UNCHR) 9) The National Commission for Human Rights and Liberties (NCHRL).
Purpose of the organization: As main aims and purpose, "Buddies Association of Volunteers for Orphans, Disabled and Abandoned Children" (BAVODAC) is committed to; 1)Receiving and catering for children in dire straits; 2)Reintegration of Abandoned Children to their families of origin; 3)Social Integration of Disabled Children to improve on their living conditions; 4)Protect children against exploitation and child labour; 5)Fight against sexual exploitation of little girls and sexual malpractices on little boys; 6)Guarantee appropriate medical care for Orphans, Vulnerable Children and poor Teenage-mothers; 7)Give education the pride of place for all , and ensure their socio-professional integration; 8)Promote all actions that are meant for human development and the respect of the family dignity; and 9)Open-up a forum and extend a hand for cooperation with National and International Organizations which have similar objectives. In a nutshell, BAVODAC is determinedly committed to carryout the above mentioned objectives/aims for the purpose(s) to promote and protect the rights of little Children and teenage-mothers in dire straits. With these, BAVODAC works to match the achieved United Nations Millenium Goals as adopted in the 2000 Declaration.
Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the regional, national or international level: In the continual struggle and search for solutions to attain its goals in the task of eradicating extreme poverty and helping children in dire straits, BAVODAC has put in place several micro-projects, prominent among which are; 1) A Posh Powder Detergent Production Unit; 2) A Christian Film Production Unit known as "Christ Reconciliation Film Ministry (CRFM), and headed by Pastor FRANKLIN; 3) A Fast Food Chain/ Restaurant in partnership with Mr. Atumkeze Mathias Che K.; 4) A Musical Group headed by Mme Atangana Eugenie Carole alias ATECA, who cumulatively, trains Fashion Designers and Social Security Agents; 5) A Training Programme in Modern Motor Mechanics in partnership with Mr. ASHUI Julius; and 6) A Training Programme in Fashion Design, piloted by both Mr.TEM Nicolson Geh, and Mme ATANGANA Eugenie Carole, in which some of our able children are trained and produce dresses for sale. The projects have produced spectacular results within a very short period of time and have significantly boosted the Organization's revenue, thereby making the year 2013 a great success as can be seen in our Financial Report. BAVODAC's Film Unit produced its first film in October 2012 titled "MY SURE FOUNDATION", the second in November 2013, titled "THE VERDICT", and the third which is still process is titled "DEAD MEN IN CHURCH". Thousands of CDs of the two films were promoted and sold in 2013 alongside thousands of musical CDs. Also great quantities of the Posh Powder Detergent were produced and marketed, and the Fast Food business too flourished in 2013. In addition to the Individual and Collective Inputs, a host of Donors paid impromptu and spontaneous visits to the Center with important Psychological, Moral, Material, or Financial contributions to boost the Activities of the Organization. Some Donors and Partners were very instrumental in the Education of our children, by providing scholarships for especially those in Universities and other Institutions of Higher Learning. Their contributions in general, greatly impacted the school lives of the children as they also served as motivation to many others. Furthermore, two able boys were trained in Modern Motor Mechanics by one of our partners, Mr. ASHUI Julius. In the same light, some Empowerment Programmes in Social Security, were carried out for especially the Widows and Teenage-mothers, in which, they were trained in Computer Studies, Hair Dressing, Sewing, and Restoration, alongside with the fortification of their Spiritual Lives. Several SEMINARS and FORUMS on Capacity Building were organized and the Organization's Administrative Staff participated also. The execution of Training Programmes were to a larger extend successful, thanks to the expertise of some of our Partners and Well- wishers, especially "Association Mondial de Secour" (AMOS), and "Better World Foundation" (BWF).
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: The following Executive Bureau Members were Democratically elected into office on 22 November 2008 through a secret ballot and uninominal vote; 1) The President: Mr.KUMETAH Samson NING (Cameroonian) 2) Vice President: Mr.MFOUAPON Auguste (Cameroonian) 3) Secretary General: Mr.ZANG GEH Emmanuel (Cameroonian) 4) Treasurer: Mme ATANGANA Eugenie Carole (Cameroonian) 5) Auditor No1: Mme ENDALLE ESSOUKOU Nathalie (Cameroonian) 6) Auditor No2: Mr. SHEY Augustin FUL (Cameroonian) 7) Communication Officer: Mr. YOTENDJE WANANG Marius J. (Cameroonian) 8) Adviser No1: BILOA Marie Therese (Cameroonian) 9) Adviser No2: Pastor Franklin WONG (Cameroonian) 10) Adviser No3: Mme MONKAM CHOUAMOU L. (Cameroonian) 11) Adviser No4: Mme ESSOKA Dina Helen (Cameroonian) 12) Financial Secretary: Mr.ADEMOLA Vincent (Nigerian)
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: Our Organization has 486 Members; 26 Founding Members; 350 Active/ Physical Members; 79 Statutory Members (57 Boarders and 22 Non-Boarders); and 31 Honorary Members. =398 Members in Cameroon, Africa 03 Members in Ghana, Africa 16 Members in Nigeria, Africa 21 Members in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Africa 06 Members in The United Kingdom, Europe 02 Members in The United States, America