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Asociación Latinoamericana para los Derechos Humanos

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Sustainable Development

Major group affiliation:
  • Indigenous people
  • Workers and trade unions
  • Scientific and technological communities
  • Business and industry
  • Children and youth
  • Local authorities
  • Women
  • Non-governmental organization
  • Farmers
Affiliation with other organizations: Aldhu has had stable relationships with many organizations for many years. Some of the organizations with which he has most closely collaborated are: UNESCO. Official cooperation relations with UNESCO since 1983. (Operational Relations OPE) ILO Regional Office: Cooperation Relations. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR Collaboration relationships High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights. Office for South America. Cooperation relations. Latin American Parliament: Consulting organization. Andean Parliament. Cooperation Relations. UIP Interparliamentary Union. Cooperation Relations. OAS Member of the Civil Society. (In process) European Union. Cooperation relations. European Economic and Social Committee. Cooperation relations. IOM International Organization for Migration. Cooperation Relations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. Consumers International. Cooperation Relations. Human: Regional Network of NGOs specialized in the promotion of women's rights. Cooperation agreement. ACHNU: Chilean Association Pro United Nations. Cooperation agreement. INDH. National Institute of Human Rights of Chile. Cooperation Relations. ACTION A.G. Chilean Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. Trade association. Associate member. CICAL: Network composed of 25 Latin American universities committed to the promotion of Human Rights in the region. Convenio Andrés Bello: International organization that promotes the adoption of public education policies in favor of integration and peace in member countries. Confidential Report Organization specialized in case analysis, which studies political conflicts and designs conflict resolution scenarios in the countries of the region, with academic support from Georgetown University Federations of Workers and Peasants of Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Local Authorities: Association of Municipalities of Ecuador, Ecuadorian Federation of Prefectures and Local Authorities, Chilean Association of Municipalities, Association of Municipalities of Alto Arriare in Colombia, Municipality of El Alto (Bolivia).
Publications: Artículos del Pueblo, D., & para los DH-ALDHU, A. L. (2011). Ruta jurídica para los pueblos indígenas: Caminos y retornos para los niños, niñas y jóvenes indígenas víctimas de la violencia política. para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. ALDHU (2000). Origen de los Derechos Humanos. del Pueblo, D., & para los DH-ALDHU, A. L. (2011). Ruta jurídica para los pueblos indígenas: Caminos y retornos para los niños, niñas y jóvenes indígenas víctimas de la violencia política. de Iglesias CLAI-Asociación, C. L. (1992). Latinoamericana para los Derechos Humanos ALDHU-Consejo Danés para Refugiados. Consejería en Proyectos para Refugiados Latinoamericanos CDR/CPRL-Servicio Universitario Mundial SUM, Quito-Ecuador.

Social Development

Affiliation with other organizations: Aldhu has had stable relationships with many organizations for many years. Some of the organizations with which he has most closely collaborated are: UNESCO. Official cooperation relations with UNESCO since 1983. (Operational Relations OPE) ILO Regional Office: Cooperation Relations. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR Collaboration relationships High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights. Office for South America. Cooperation relations. Latin American Parliament: Consulting organization. Andean Parliament. Cooperation Relations. UIP Interparliamentary Union. Cooperation Relations. OAS Member of the Civil Society. (In process) European Union. Cooperation relations. European Economic and Social Committee. Cooperation relations. IOM International Organization for Migration. Cooperation Relations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. Consumers International. Cooperation Relations. Human: Regional Network of NGOs specialized in the promotion of women's rights. Cooperation agreement. ACHNU: Chilean Association Pro United Nations. Cooperation agreement. INDH. National Institute of Human Rights of Chile. Cooperation Relations. ACTION A.G. Chilean Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. Trade association. Associate member. CICAL: Network composed of 25 Latin American universities committed to the promotion of Human Rights in the region. Convenio Andrés Bello: International organization that promotes the adoption of public education policies in favor of integration and peace in member countries. Confidential Report Organization specialized in case analysis, which studies political conflicts and designs conflict resolution scenarios in the countries of the region, with academic support from Georgetown University Federations of Workers and Peasants of Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Local Authorities: Association of Municipalities of Ecuador, Ecuadorian Federation of Prefectures and Local Authorities, Chilean Association of Municipalities, Association of Municipalities of Alto Arriare in Colombia, Municipality of El Alto (Bolivia).
Publications: Books -UNICEF. ALDHU, 2004. La educación en la Amazonia colombiana: un derecho postergado. Diagnóstico de situación. Bogotá, Gente Nueva Editorial. https://www.unicef.org/colombia/conocimiento/amazonia.htm -para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. ALDHU. 2004. El cerco de la anaconda. Quito. sf. https://www.academia.edu/15451279/EL_CERCO_A_LA_ANACONDA_SUCUMBIOS_INCIDENCIA_DEL_CONFLICTO_COLOMBIANO_E_IMPACTOS_SOBRE_LOS_PUEBLOS_IND%C3%8DGENAS -ALDHU, U. E. (2004). La agonía del Jagua. Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos indígenas de La Amazonía Colombiana. http://biblioteca.hegoa.ehu.es/registros/17193 para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. (2004). Un Mundo de Derechos para el Pueblo Yaraoni. La Gente Ala de Mariposa. (Published by Aldhu) Aldhu, UNICEF, IIDH (1994) Enseñanza práctica de los Derechos humanos. Asunción. Paraguay. https://www.iidh.ed.cr/IIDH/media/1929/ensenanza-practica-de-los-dh-1994.pdf ALDHU (1989) Los derechos humanos en el proceso político actual. Los derechos humanos se conquistan cotidianamente. http://www.cde.org.py/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Los-derechos-humanos-se-conquistan-cotidianamente.pdf Artículos - para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. (2004). Un Mundo de Derechos para el Pueblo Yaraoni. La Gente Ala de Mariposa. (Published by Aldhu) -para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. ALDHU (2000). Origen de los Derechos Humanos. -para los Derechos Humanos, A. L. (1998). El conocimiento y las prácticas de salud comunitaria y reproductiva de la mujer SHUAR: Bomboiza y Transcutucú. Larenas, G. ALDHU, ILDIS (1993) Derechos humanos serie internacional. El asilo político y el Refugio. https://www.fes-ecuador.org/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/indice_libros-el-asilo-0231.pdf -Flores, A. M. (1993). Las fuerzas armadas ecuatorianas: paz y desarrollo. Asociación Latinoamericana para los Derechos Humanos. Molina Flores, A. (1994). Las Fuerzas Armadas Ecuatorianas: paz y desarrollo. Aldhu,(Aso. ALDHU (1991) Los derechos humanos en Panamá. Revista Tareas 78 mayo-agosto 1991. bdigital.binal.ac.pa/hechos/DOC-HECHOS/descarga.php?f=revistas/revistas490.pdf HERRERA, Ana Lucía. Diagnóstico de las Mujeres privadas de libertad en Bolivia. La Paz: ALDHU–Bolivia, (1996) Programa de Reformas al Sistema Penal boliviano: informes especiales.
Purpose of the organization: The purpose of the Aldhu regarding social development is the implementation of different strategies for the formation of new political and community leaders that defend human rights, so that they can develop their work with a view towards their protection. The Aldhu strives to generate knowledge and useful and innovative tools to build more fraternal societies, inclusive and guarantors of the validity of Human Rights and peace at the regional level.
A list of members of the governing body of the organization, and their countries of nationality: Regional Authorities of ALDHU President: Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (Chile) General Secretary: Juan de Dios Parra Sepúlveda (Chile) Deputy General Secretary: Serrana Sienra (Uruguay) Board of Directors: Argentina: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Bolivia: Jaime Paz Zamora Antonio Aranibar Quiroga René Blatmann Susana Seleme Brasil:(Choice process) Colombia: Horacio Serpa Alvaro Tirado Mejía Julio Londoño Humberto López Ospina Costa Rica: Sonia Picado Elizabeth Odio Cuba: Eusebio Leal Spengler Chile: Juan Somavía Altamirano Luis Maira Aguirre Roberto Garretón José Antonio Viera Gallo Fabiola Letelier Isabel Margarita Morel Ecuador: Rodrigo Borja Mons. Alberto Luna Tobar Paco Moncayo El Salvador: Nidia Díaz Guatemala: Eduardo Stein Rigoberta Menchú Frank La Rué Haití: (Choice process) Honduras: Carlos Eduardo Reyna Jamaica: Karl Rattray México: Rodolfo Stavenhagen Margarita Zapata Nicaragua: Vilma Núñez de Scorcia Ernesto Cardenal Panamá: Nils Castro (Vicepresidente por América Central) Paraguay: José Félix Fernández Estigarribia Perú: Armando Villanueva Puerto Rico: Rubén Berrios República Dominicana: Peggy Cabral de Peña Gómez (Vicepresidenta por El Caribe) Uruguay: Julio María Sanguinetti Juan Raúl Ferreira Gerónimo Cardoso Venezuela: (Proceso de selección)
Description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members: Currently there are 49 members that vary depending on the interests of the actions and needs of the association. Each of the members has a vote with the same value as the rest of the members. There are also five vice presidencies that deal with the affairs of different parts of Latin America, which helps the organization to obtain a clearer vision of what is happening in each part of the continent, as well as to sectorialize the different actions that take out in the association.

Advancement of Women

Affiliation with other organizations: Aldhu has had stable relationships with many organizations for many years. Some of the organizations with which he has most closely collaborated are: UNESCO. Official cooperation relations with UNESCO since 1983. (Operational Relations OPE) ILO Regional Office: Cooperation Relations. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR Collaboration relationships High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights. Office for South America. Cooperation relations. Latin American Parliament: Consulting organization. Andean Parliament. Cooperation Relations. UIP Interparliamentary Union. Cooperation Relations. OAS Member of the Civil Society. (In process) European Union. Cooperation relations. European Economic and Social Committee. Cooperation relations. IOM International Organization for Migration. Cooperation Relations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. Consumers International. Cooperation Relations. Human: Regional Network of NGOs specialized in the promotion of women's rights. Cooperation agreement. ACHNU: Chilean Association Pro United Nations. Cooperation agreement. INDH. National Institute of Human Rights of Chile. Cooperation Relations. ACTION A.G. Chilean Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. Trade association. Associate member. CICAL: Network composed of 25 Latin American universities committed to the promotion of Human Rights in the region. Convenio Andrés Bello: International organization that promotes the adoption of public education policies in favor of integration and peace in member countries. Confidential Report Organization specialized in case analysis, which studies political conflicts and designs conflict resolution scenarios in the countries of the region, with academic support from Georgetown University Federations of Workers and Peasants of Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Local Authorities: Association of Municipalities of Ecuador, Ecuadorian Federation of Prefectures and Local Authorities, Chilean Association of Municipalities, Association of Municipalities of Alto Arriare in Colombia, Municipality of El Alto (Bolivia).
Publications: -Herrera, A., & Asociación Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos, A. L. D. H. U. (1999). Un canto de sirenas. Migración de mujeres latinoamericanas a Europa. -Moncayo, G. A., & Fries, L. (1996). Hacia la feminización de la justicia: memorias de un proceso de formación género-sensitivo con juezas y abogadas. ALDHU. Faúndez, A. (1993). Crisis and the Situation of Women. -Fernández, F., Matamala, I., & Salazar, G. (1993). Adolescencias y maternidades. ALDHU, Area Derechos de la Mujer. -Faúndez, A. (1993). Crisis and the Situation of Women.

Public Administration and Development Management

Involvement in Public Administration: For the fulfillment of its objectives, ALDHU has an extensive Network of Institutional Relations and alliances in the region and internationally: ALDHU has historically had a lot of support from important personalities in the field of politics and public administration in Latin America. An example of them is that the current president and Juan Pablo Letelier, current Senator of the Republic of Chile and Juan de Dios Parra, a lawyer strongly implicated in the Chilean socialist party and widely known for defending causes related to the violation of Human Rights in different countries in Latin America, even leading lawsuits against multinationals that have interests in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Chile. Based on the contacts of the organization throughout Latin America and the important governmental collaboration, large-scale actions have been carried out that could not have been carried out without the collaboration of the authorities. Actions such as: The transfer of people in armed conflicts (1995-1998) Conflict promotion operations (1996,1997,2008,2010) Humanitarian protection due to natural disasters to marginalized communities (1998, 1999,2006) Protection of the Human Rights of victims of political violence and support for the recovery of democracy. (1989-2019) Thus, the organization has linked with state administrative bodies to ensure the protection of human rights. Some of them are : Local Authorities: Association of Municipalities of Ecuador, Ecuadorian Federation of Prefectures and Local Authorities, Chilean Association of Municipalities, Association of Municipalities of Alto Arriare in Colombia, Municipality of El Alto (Bolivia); as well as the support of a large part of the governments where there is a member of the association.