Major group affiliation: |
- Scientific and technological communities
- Business and industry
- Children and youth
- Local authorities
- Women
- Non-governmental organization
Involvement in UN Partnerships: |
Yes |
If yes, explain in detail: |
INITIATIVE: “Rio das Flores: Desastre e Construção” (Rio das Flores: Disaster and Construction).
INVOLVEMENT: project ran by Viva Rio
YEAR: 1996
INITIATIVE: “Safer Cities Programme”
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Viva Rio provides advice to UN-Habitat on how to implement the program.
YEAR: 2006-present
INITIATIVE: “Jogos da Paz” (Games for Peace)
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Viva Rio implements the project with support of UNESCO and other partners (Coca Cola, Instituto Ayrton Senna, Instituto Unibanco and Secretaria de Direitos Humanos do Ministério da Justiça)
YEAR: 1999
INITIATIVE: “Criança Esperança” (Child Hope)
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Viva Rio implements the project. Pedagogical contents are provided by UNESCO.
YEAR: 2001-present
INITIATIVE: Research on the impact of guns on children
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Consultancy services, by Viva Rio and Small Arms Survey, to UNICEF (research on eight countries)
YEAR: 2007
UN Development Program (UNDP/BCPR)
INITIATIVE: Gun control and armed violence
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Consultancy services, by Viva Rio, to UNDP/BCPR
YEAR: 2006
UN Peacekeeping operation in Haiti - MINUSTAH
INITIATIVE: Consultancy on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former “gang” members
YEAR: 2004-present
World Health Organization (WHO - Haiti)
INITIATIVE: The 2007 Demographic Census of Bel Air
TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP: Research and data collection (Viva Rio, WHO, University of Kiskeya, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Boston University, CIOpPaz and ISER)
YEAR: 2007
General Assembly - Plenary
INITIATIVE: UN Conference on the Illicit Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons
INVOLVEMENT: Viva Rio presents part of its campaign “Rio sem Armas” (Rio without weapons) and explains the destruction of 100,000 firearms, with the support of a video
YEAR: 2001
INITIATIVE: Collaboration to the initiative of an arms trade treaty, adopted as Res. 61/89 (18 Dec. 2006) – “Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms”
INVOLVEMENT: Viva Rio actively collaborated to the promotion of the UN Arms Trade Treaty, being a member of the ATT Steering Committee.
YEAR: 2006
INITIATIVE: UN Resolution 63/23 – “Promoting development through the reduction and prevention of armed violence” (17 Nov 2008)
INVOLVEMENT: Viva Rio is part of the NGO core group of the 2006 Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development
YEAR: 2008 |
Affiliation with other organizations: |
1) Organization of American States (OAS) (Governance Section)
2) Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER) - (Institute for the Study of Religion)
3) United Religions Initiative (URI)
4) World Council of Churches (WCC) |
Publications: |
I. Books, courses and reports
1) Title: “Watching the Neighborhood: An assessment of small arms and ammunition
“Grey Transactions” on the borders between Brazil and Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina”
Year: 2006
Autor: Pablo Dreyfus and Antonio Rangel Bandeira
Rio de Janeiro: Viva Rio.
2) Title: “Firearms: Protection or Risk? Practical Guidebook”
Year: 2005
Authors: Antonio Bandeira and Josephine Bourgois
Available at: <>
3) Title: “Children of the Drug Trade: a case study of Children in Organised Armed Violence in Rio de Janeiro”
Year: 2003
Author: Luke Dowdney
Available at: <>
4) Title: “Polícia, Estado e Sociedade: Práticas e Saberes Latino-Americanos”
Year: 2007
Authors: Haydée Caruso, Jacqueline Muniz and Antonio Carlos Carballo Blanco (eds.)
5) Title: “Curso de Aprimoramento da Prática Policial Cidadã: Manual de Elaboração. Programa de Ações em Segurança Pública” PROASP/Viva Rio.
Rio de Janeiro: Viva Rio
Year: 2005
Author: Luciane Patrício
6) Title: “Indicadores para o monitoramento e avaliação das políticas municipais de segurança pública: uma reflexão a partir de um estudo de caso”. Published in: "Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública". Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, ano 2, ed. 3, jul/ago.
Rio de Janeiro: Viva Rio
Year: 2008
Authors: Ludmila Ribeiro and Luciane Patrício
7) Title: “Inimigo Interior: Desvio de Munição em Uganda e no Brasil”, in Small Arms Survey 2007 – “Guns and the City”.
Year: 2007
Authors: James Bevan e Pablo Dreyfus
8) Title: “Small Arms in Rio de Janeiro - The Guns, the Buyback, and the Victims”
Year: 2008
Authors: Pablo Dreyfus, Luis Eduardo Guedes, Ben Lessing, Antônio Rangel Bandeira, Marcelo de Sousa Nascimento and Patricia Silveira Rivero
II. Magazine
09) Title: Comunidad Segura Good Practices Magazine
Year: since May 2008
Frequency: three times a year
Available at: <>
III. Articles
10) Title: “Controlar a violência armada: Notas sobre o trabalho do Viva Rio”. Published in: Veloso, Fernando (org.). "É possível: Gestão da Segurança Pública e redução da violência".
Rio de Janeiro: Contracapa.
Year: 2008
Author: Rubem Cesar Fernandes
11) Title: “Segurança para viver: Propostas para uma política de redução da violência entre adolescentes e jovens”. Published in: Novaes, Regina e Paulo Vannucchi (eds.). "Juventude e Sociedade: Trabalho, educação, cultura e participação".
São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo.
Year: 2003
Author: Rubem Cesar Fernandes
12) Title: “The impact of small arms on children and adolescents in Central America and the Caribbean: a case study of El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago".
Panama City: UNICEF.
Year: 2007
Author: Daniel Luz
13) Title: “Hacia un tratado internacional de control de transferencias de armas pequeñas y ligeras: una mirada desde el MERCOSUR”.
Rio de Janeiro: Viva Rio and SweFOR
Year: 2007
Author: Rebeca Pérez |